Monday, May 22, 2023

Calls for Papers, Funding Opportunities, and Resources, May 22, 2023



Queering Postcolonial Worlds

October 6th & 7th, 2023

The main objective of the conference is to probe and interrogate the overlaps and intersections between queer studies and postcolonial studies while maintaining a critical approach to disciplinary boundaries and their assumptions and limitations. In so doing, we establish continuities to the 2022 conference’s focus on “Postcolonial Matters of Life and Death” in productive ways. Here, questions of how to rethink queer studies in relation to decoloniality and how to queer postcolonial studies come together.

Interested postgraduate students are encouraged to send abstracts for 20-minute-long presentations (ca. 300 words + 5 keywords) and a short bio note (ca. 100-150 words) to by June 30, 2023.


Material Girls & Boys: Narrated Fashion in Children’s Media

March 7th – 9th, 2024 Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Clothing is a daily feature of every child’s life and this significance carries through into the media created for children and young people. From picture books for toddlers that teach the conventions of correct dressing and undressing, to computer games that revolve around dressing an avatar in the best possible way for an occasion, the range of children's and youth media in which Clothing plays a central role is vast. Yet despite the material turn in children’s literature studies signalled by M. Nikolajeva in 2016, there remains little sustained examination of clothing and fashion in relation to works produced for young audiences. This interdisciplinary, international conference seeks to catalyse work in this field and invites contributions spanning a range of primary sources and conceptual frameworks.

Please send your abstracts to: and by July 15th 2023.


Hate Inc.: Examining “Legitimized” Hate Groups and their Multimedia Strategies

Accepting abstracts for roundtable session, as part of the lineup for the 2023 Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) conference. It will be held at the Hilton Portland Downtown, Oct. 26th - 29th, in Portland, Oregon.

What do we make of designated hate groups, prejudiced websites, and malicious publications that go beyond the usual KKK or neo-Nazi fare? What happens when they style themselves in ways that are “rhetorically complex” or familiar to the extent of sounding legitimate, complete with institutional language, business-savvy marketing strategies, and ambiguous or veiled statements of ideology? This panel aims to interrogate such cases across a diverse range of disciplinary knowledge and methodology.

Deadline for abstracts: May 31, 2023

Contact Email:


Women’s History Network Annual Conference

October 20-21, 2023, Toronto, ON

The Ontario Women’s History Network (OWHN) encourages the preservation, production, and dissemination of women’s and gender history in Ontario, with a special emphasis on teaching and study of history. We welcome students, teachers, museum professionals, public historians, professors, archivists, librarians, independent researchers and anyone else interested in women’s and gender history. As we reflect on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are accomplishments to celebrate, but much work remains unfinished. The Ontario Women’s History Network is dedicated to advancing the teaching and representation of women and gender in classrooms and historic sites across the province. Representation matters.

Abstracts due: May 31, 2023



Living Together: Environmentalisms and the Good Life

Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Texas

October 6, 2023 - October 8, 2023

Human intervention in Earth’s processes continues to scale up in the third decade of the 21st century, despite urgent calls for comprehensive change. Marginalized groups, meanwhile, feel impacts first and to the greatest extent. How can we promote opportunities for the good life among all, from the scale of the geopolitical or planetary to local relationships between rural settlements and urban centers, between neighborhoods, between neighbors, and between species? In this setting, what must 21st-century environmentalisms look like if we are committed to respecting a plurality of human and more-than-human traditions, identities, histories, and futures? This conference seeks to highlight interdisciplinary approaches to environmentalisms and the good life.

Please submit a 300-400 word abstract by June 23 to


Religion and Culture in the Americas Seminar

The Religion and Culture in the Americas Seminar explores topics in religion and culture broadly from interdisciplinary perspectives, including social history, biography, cultural studies, visual and material culture, urban studies, and the history of ideas. We are interested in how religious belief has affected society, rather than creedal or theological focused studies. The seminar provides an opportunity for scholars to share papers that use new methods, unveil archival discoveries, and offer new interpretations. Papers are pre-circulated. Presenters make a 10 to 15 minute presentation followed by a short commentary by a scholar in the field, followed by a discussion with seminar participants. The seminar typically meets on selected Fridays from 3:00-4:30 pm. In AY 2023-2024, all sessions will take place online via Zoom.

Submission Deadline: June 15, 2023

Contact Email:


 Inventing the Human

29th November to 2nd December 2023, University of Melbourne (f2f and virtual)

This interdisciplinary and hybrid conference sets out to place the (liberal-humanist) subject dispatched by posthumanism inside the much larger field of Enlightenment/Romantic thought on this topic—a field that, on the one hand, is no longer imagined as beginning and ending in Europe and, on the other hand, is always already in dialogue or conflict with non-European traditions, understandings, and discourses of the human. We take as our key themes the pasts, futures, and varieties of reason, imagination, liberty, and the body—terms crucial to modern understandings of the human. But we do this in order to ask, in a world where Europe is merely one centre among many, what of this legacy can be dispatched? What can be revised or extended by other traditions? What in the world’s multiple humanities might open new possibilities for the future? And what does our answer to these questions mean for the methods, roles, and organising categories of the Humanities?

Deadline for receipt of proposals: Monday 29 May 2023



Whither – isms

Our conference explores the relations between theory and history and the formulations of theories of history. How do various theoretical modes, like Marxism, Modernism, Feminism, Deconstructionism, Postmodernism, and so forth, help us address the limitations of traditional historical practice? Or, how do these theories create inhibitions that prevent new forms of the historical method? Has the time come to abandon theory altogether or whould we, as scholars, re-formulate theory to suit the unique challneges and anxieties that studying the past represent in this contentious present? Is such a reform(ulation) possible? If so, how? Whether you tangentially utilize or intensively interrogate theory in your academic work, we of the HGSA encourage graduate students of all fields in the humanities and social sciences to apply.

The conference will be held at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York (a two-hour train ride from New York City) on September 28 and 29, 2023. Please submit a paper title, abstract (150-200 words) and a one-page curriculum vitae (including preferred name and pronouns) to our online application linked here by June 15th.

Contact Email:


European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology

The Summer University will take place between July 24th and August 4th 2023, in Cluj-Napoca, and it welcomes participants from all over Europe and beyond. It wants to bring together (doctoral) students, young scholars and academics from the Arts and Humanities, Library Sciences, Social Sciences, the Arts and Engineering and Computer Sciences as equal partners to an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience in a multilingual and multicultural context and thus create the conditions for future project-based co-operations. As in previous years, the programme of the Summer University consists of: intensive Workshops, Hands-on sessions, Teaser Sessions, Lectures, Project Presentation Sessions, Round Table Discussions, Poster Sessions, Visits to museums, memorable places, libraries, Community building activities (excursions, communal coffee breaks, lunches and dinners).

Application for a place at the Summer University is done online, the deadline being June 4th, 2023

For any further information, please contact Lect. Dr. Christian Schuster,, or Lect. Dr. Vlad Popovici,


Artistic, Architectural and Political-Economic Performance within the Interplay of Productivity and Temporality

23&24 November 2023, Mozarteum Salzburg & Museum der Moderne Salzburg

What ideas of productivity underlie concepts of time? How do these notions influence the formation of networks of relationships and positions as well as aesthetic and conceptual practices? These questions will be approached from a transdisciplinary perspective. The investigation of the interrelations between artistic form, political-economic ideas and spatial settings is intended to open the field for the imaginative potential of deconstruction and the emergence of a critical-reflexive position on the question of productivity. The interlocking strands of thought are meant to challenge, confront and reflect each other. The deconstruction of established mechanisms and the possibility of collage, folding, overlapping, which enables a different pictorial structure and a multi-layered composition, are placed here in a relational context.

Please submit abstracts of up to 500 words and a biography of 100 words to

until 10 July 2023


Critical Conversations: Teaching and Creating Community in Difficult Times

The conference will be held in a virtual format during the week of August 21

In an era when educators are under assault for teaching Critical Race Theory, implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, and subjected to various external forces regarding curriculum development, book bans, and course redesigns, this conference will be a gathering to navigate these challenges and discuss solutions and strategies in the face of threats to academic freedom.  We welcome individual, panel, and roundtable proposals on any and all aspects of teaching, including the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), theories and methodologies, remote and hybrid learning, content and delivery, as well as combining research interests into the classroom for first-year students and non-majors.

Please email submissions to H-Net Teaching Conference Committee at by Saturday, May 27, 2023.  


The Materiality of Resistance

The Materiality of Resistance will be a two-day symposium in San Francisco, California (March 7-8, 2024) exploring the artistic deployment of materials as tools to imagine, promote, and enact resistance to the status quo in American art and visual culture. By invoking the word “material,” we throw into relief substances—unique and many, observable and nearly imperceptible—that are marshaled and transformed by makers into things perceived as significant, useful, and of value. With this call for papers, we solicit participation from transdisciplinary scholars and we strongly encourage intersectional as well as underrepresented topics. Please submit an abstract of approximately 300 words by August 15, 2023, using this form.



NeMLA 2024: Call for Session Proposals

The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) is a non-profit organization of teachers, scholars, and students of literature, language, and culture as well as the largest regional affiliate of the Modern Language Association (MLA). NeMLA provides a forum for the dissemination of scholarship and the advancement of teaching in modern languages and literatures. We hold a yearly four-day convention to carry on a tradition of lively research and pedagogical exchange. This event showcases different areas of inquiry and includes regular sessions (panels, roundtables, seminars), interactive workshopsspecial events, caucus meetings, literary readings, film screenings, a separate undergraduate research forum, and guest speakers.

We are currently accepting session proposals for our 55th convention which will be held on March 7-10, 2024 in Boston, MA


Darkness in the American Imagination

virtual conference 4–8 September 2023

Darkness has always been defined in binary opposition to light. As Toni Morrison puts it in Playing in the Dark (1992): “Whiteness, alone, is mute, meaningless, unfathomable, pointless, frozen, veiled, curtained, dreaded, senseless, implacable.” While darkness and light are mutually constitutive, the threshold between the two is ambivalent; it is blurry and changing. In addition to its symbolic dimensions, the darkness-vs.-light binary can also be taken literally: the early settlers feared the dark while electricity effectively banished darkness from cities, for example. The dark may be rife with danger, a metaphorical space of erasure, and a tool of obfuscation, but at the same time, the dark may provide protection, a space for subversion, and a place of beauty.

Deadline for submission: JUNE 11, 2023 to




Digital Platforms and Agency, Lateral Special Section

A digital platform is a standard which facilitates computational interactions between users and systems, according to Ian Bogost. Ubiquitous but self-effacing, platforms increasingly mediate the constitution and expression of consciousness. Troubling clean divisors between humanity and technology, platforms pose a challenge to monolithic, individuated, and humanist notions of agency that the field of cultural studies is uniquely poised to address. We seek a diverse collection of essays that reflect the interdisciplinarity of cultural studies and platform studies. We encourage submissions from myriad traditions and approaches including media studies, political economy, performance studies, communication, composition, science and technology studies, gender studies, sociology, computer science, and more.

Please send all submissions and inquiries to Potential authors should submit a 500-word abstract by June 30, 2023 to


Ruptures, Resistance, Reclamation: Global Feminisms in a Digital Age

In this special issue, we invite contributors to engage with global feminist perspectives and the various devices, tools, and interactions that characterize the digital age. We particularly welcome submissions that explore, examine, and interrogate sites of feminist rupture, resistance, and reclamation. We conceive of 'digital' in a broad fashion. Contributions could examine technology that operates on a binary system, storing and processing information and mediating, facilitating, and sometimes hindering our own relations. Digital can refer to things that are offline or online. We welcome submissions that can speak to the Global South or North and contributions from a wide range of sites, including comparative accounts.

Please submit an abstract of 500-750 words by May 25, 2023.

For questions about this Call for Papers or the submission process, please contact Katherine Barrett, Managing Editor:


Memory Over Forgetting: Monuments, Memorials and Intangible Heritage

We invite article proposals for a Radical History Review issue on monuments, memorials, and counter-memory that consider these efforts to transform public markers of memory. We are especially interested in submissions that query how sites negotiate troubled histories (genocide, racism, colonialism, occupation) in troubled times (Eastern Europe today, confederate monuments in the US South, Tiananmen Square protest monuments in Hong Kong). We welcome contributions that focus on grassroots memory-work by Indigenous communities, people of color, LGBTQ activists, or working-class mobilizations.

Abstract Deadline: August 1, 2023



History as Political Theory: History, Time, and Political Action

The purpose of this volume is to explore history and time as key categories for understanding both political thought and practice. While treating ideas historically has long been a core feature of political theory, our aim is to explore history as an idea — as the substance of the thought, rather than the method of its reconstruction. And while time is a familiar element of political science — which looks at data in time series, or examines institutions over the course of their development — we seek to understand how history and time are conceptualized and used within politics, rather than from the outside by the political observer. We are seeking papers that examine the use of history and time as theory in numerous contexts.

Interested authors can submit their abstracts (500 words), and a short biography (100 words) to the book editor, to Dr. Anthony Sparacino at, by August 15, 2023. 


Humanities in the Time of ChatGPT and other forms of Artificial Intelligence

Fall 2023 Issue of Critical Humanities

As a challenge to this revolutionary and transformative portrayal of AI, George Hinton, a pioneering figure in the field of AI, points out the opposite side of Artificial Intelligence. “It is hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things.” Though these positions seem to represent two opposite ends of the spectrum, their opposition is not simply a case of luddites vs. technocrats. Instead, their perspectives invite us to respond to them, question them, and think seriously about the promises and predicaments, the uncertainties and usefulness, the thrills and threats of not only the language and discourse generating AI tools. While a significant purist minority within the Humanities have been crying foul over the introduction and deployment of non-humanities critical perspectives especially in the analysis and discussion of art, literature, music and philosophy, the interfacing of humanities and technologies by necessity or design is/will be an inevitable outcome of our interdisciplinary futures.   

Abstract Submission: June 15, 2023 to Barbara Postema ( & Puspa Damai (


life changes in a (un)sustainable world

A great portion of the economically underprivileged population has been lifted out of absolute poverty, especially in the non “Western” world, and has fuelled a new desire for active participation. In fact, economic and social inequalities are skyrocketing due to the rise and dominance of the super-rich class. The gap between the top one per cent and the rest of the population is widening, loosening the social bond which social peace and prosperity are built upon. This diminishes people’s confidence in politics and especially the regulatory power of the State. The global risk society redefines not only power relations between nations and supra-national institutions, but also class relations at the national and trans-national level. At the same time, it calls for a paradigmatic change that envisions new and more sustainable ways of life, the reduction of inequalities, and new forms of political participation and organization. Given these major challenges, in a (un)sustainable world, how should life opportunities and different normative views on them be considered? How do structural transformations affect social inequality? Which socio-cultural visions might sustain the social change needed to overcome these major problems?

Deadline: September 30, 2023.

Contact Email:


Transnational Queer Histories

Transnational Queer Histories is intended to platform and support scholarship from academics at all levels of their careers, and to give voice to researchers and topics that have until now been unrepresented or underrepresented in academic publishing circles. As such, it is our intention to open the doorways for innovative, new research, highlighting non-traditional approaches and subject matter.

TQH accepts proposals for both monographs and edited collections; work may be submitted in English or German. As noted, we seek work from scholars at all career levels. If you are unsure whether the work you have in mind would be a good fit under the TQH banner, please do not hesitate to contact us with an informal inquiry:;


Food and Drink as a Gift

12-13 October 2023, Cracow, Poland

The fourth conference in the "Food and Drink as" series, which began in 2015, aims to gather individuals from diverse academic disciplines and those interested in food and drink from various perspectives, including historical, cultural, culinary, anthropological, health, and medical fields.

If interested, please send your abstract submissions to by 10th June 2023.


Books Available for review

Lateral Journal: Books Available for Review

Please use the form linked above to express interest in reviewing recently published books for Lateral, the peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Cultural Studies Association. For full submission guidelines, see





Immigration and Ethnic History Society: Graduate Student Digital History Seed Grants

The Immigration and Ethnic History Society (IEHS) is launching its first digital history seed grant funding cycle. Graduate students are eligible to apply for funds to cover costs related to archive construction and digitization, professional development and training, conference attendance, the hosting of digital history talks and programs, and the acquisition of software licenses, web hosting, data storage, and labor costs.  

Please visit the IEHS’s website for the full CFP: The application deadline is Friday, August 1, 2023. Questions? Email Andy Urban at   


Hagley Library/Oral History Project Grant

The Oral History Office of the Hagley Library invites applications for oral history project support with grants up to $5,000. Our objective is to expand our oral history collections on business and its relationship to society by supporting serious research that uses oral history as a principal source, and to encourage use of oral interviews more generally. Interviews must be conducted in English and in accordance with the standards of the Oral History Association and the Hagley Library’s own technical requirements (available upon request). 

Deadline: June 1

email Hagley Oral History Program Manager Ben Spohn, 



Center for Black, Brown, and Queer Studies - 2023-24 Academic Fellowship

The Fellowship space is designed for underrepresented scholars, broadly and intersectionally defined. It is open to: College students (including students in community colleges) and recent graduates (3 years post-degree); Master’s students and recent Master’s degree holders (3 years post-degree)’ Ph.D., Ed.D., and other doctoral students; Recent postdoctoral scholars (up to 8 years post-degree). Each cohort of fellows works closely with a mentor to develop their research project and prepare for a professional career.

Applications submitted by May 29, 2023 will receive full consideration.

Please contact with any questions.

Women's and Gender Studies--Sr Administrative Specialist

The Women’s and Gender Studies program at the University of North Texas is committed to meeting the rising demand for women’s and gender studies and LGBTQ studies as academic disciplines. Our program offers a global perspective on the interactions of gender with culture, race, class and sexual identity. The primary purpose of this position is to serve as office manager and administrative assistant to the program director. This position serves to manage administrative and clerical operations for the program, ranging from payroll and HR to file maintenance and printing functions. This position coordinates and maintains all budgetary procedure for the WGST program. This position also serves as liason, disseminating information to students, adjuncts, faculty, affiliated faculty, and campus and community partners.


Princeton University, Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts - Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences, invites applications for the 2024-27 fellowship competition. Four fellowships are to be awarded:

Two or three Open Fellowships in any discipline represented in the Society

One Fellowship in Humanistic Studies

One Fellowship in Race and Ethnicity Studies

Applicants are asked to submit an online application by August 1, 2023 (11:59 p.m. ET).

Contact Email:


Assistant Professor of Instruction in Interdisciplinary Studies

The School of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas is hiring a full-time, non-tenure track Assistant Professor of Instruction for the fall of 2023.  This position involves teaching four interdisciplinary studies course per semester.  These courses may include gender and healthcare studies, advanced writing, internships, and upper-division courses in the candidate’s area of expertise.  A PhD in an interdisciplinary field and teaching experience is required.

Application deadline is June 5, 2023. 





Voices of LGBTQ+ Dallas

June 7, 7:00 p.m. at the Holocaust & Human Rights Museum

Dallas is home to one of the largest LGBTQ communities in the United States. Dallas activists have worked to encourage visibility, build political engagement, and foster a thriving and welcoming social sphere. Join us to hear testimonies from local LGBTQ trailblazers and learn how these individuals have each carved a path forward in the fight for equality. This program is presented in conjunction with our current special exhibition, Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ Rights Movement.

“Daring to Transcend”

June 6 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm MDT

What comes to mind when you envision a courageous leader? In this special edition of Friday Forums, “Daring to Transcend,” Dr. Nelson E. Soto, president of Albizu University and New Leadership Academy alumn, will discuss how the most remarkable leaders are known for their bravery, courage, and acts that rise above any obstacle to exert influence and generate impact. Dr. Soto is a visionary leader, with a focus on enabling and encouraging change. He is deeply committed to ensuring that all individuals, no matter their background or circumstances, have access to higher education and the opportunity to improve their own lives and those of their families.



Gender and Other Identity-based Violence

May 30, 2023, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (EST)

GenCen is collaborating with Asian Studies Center to organize a virtual mini-conference on gender and other identity-based mass violence. The mini-conference explores the role of gender in mass violence by focusing on how gender interacts with other identities, what effects do these mass violence have on gender relations and dynamics, and what the implications of these mass violence are on the future of gender in the affected communities and for the development of this country or region to move forward.

Contact Email:




University of Texas Press Summer book sale

The University of Texas Press is pleased to offer a summer book sale granting 40% off any print book order and 50% off any ebook order. Apply the discount code UTXSUMMER during checkout on our website. Offer expires Monday, July 31, 2023.


University of Chicago Press Summer Book Sale

Now through June 15th, 2023 you can get thought-provoking, independently published books for up to 90% off with code AD1996. Our annual sale is one of the biggest university press book sales in the country. Every year we go through our overstock inventory and offer deep discounts on hundreds of books in subjects like history, fiction, art, science, travel, cooking, and more.


Run a Wikipedia assignment this Fall

Amid the tsunami of misinformation flooding the internet, Wikipedia remains a reliable source for those seeking knowledge. Run a Wikipedia assignment this coming academic year, and empower your students to develop an authoritative public voice, become a responsible digital citizen, and tackle misinformation all in one project! Sign up to attend one of our upcoming workshops on how to teach with Wikipedia.

Contact Email:


MLA Sit and Write sessions

MLA Sit and Write Snacks are bite-sized presentations offering professional development on writing, revising, editing, and publishing.


MLA Public Humanities Incubator

 The Modern Language Association Public Humanities Incubator program is open to current graduate students who have an interest in contributing to public humanities scholarship. Over the course of the incubator, from September to December, teams work with their mentors to envision their research as contributions to public humanities scholarship and to imagine audiences and impact, form and dissemination, collaboration and partnerships, and the project’s life cycle.

Participants must be MLA members. If you are not a member at the time of application and your project is selected, you will be asked to join at the time of notification.

The 2023 application cycle closes on 30 June.


Trans Studies Syllabus for Bullshit Times

Trans studies today is a vibrant, rapidly expanding field in conversation with many different disciplines and interdisciplines, and current pedagogical approaches to the field centralize trans scholars, intersectional analysis, and transnational and decolonial frameworks. Acknowledging the many queer, trans, and gender nonconforming students in our classrooms who feel overwhelmed by the recent onslaught of attacks, we hope that these texts can offer the language and space needed to make sense of the present and provide examples of survival, resistance, and change.


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