Sunday, January 22, 2017

Calls for Papers, Workshops, and Resources, January 22, 2017

The Reuse of Film and Photographic Images in Postcolonial Southeast Asia
This symposium will explore the ways in which colonial and postcolonial film and photographic archives have been rearticulated within a range of Southeast Asian political and aesthetic contexts. How have artists and filmmakers sought to subvert existing power relations through the use of colonial images? To what extent have archival materials and technologies allowed for an investigation into the emancipatory potential of the lens? How have these techniques been utilised by diasporic populations? Though preference will be given to submissions which focus on Southeast Asia, we also welcome papers that draw comparisons with other postcolonial contexts.
Deadline for abstracts: 17th February 2017

Arts of the Present
October 26-28, 2017, University of California, Berkeley
ASAP/9 invites proposals from scholars and artists addressing the contemporary arts in all their forms since the 1960s—literary, visual, performing, musical, cinematic, design, and digital. We are interested in work across disciplines and media that examine the formal, cultural, social, and political dimensions of the arts today. Participants are encouraged to think as broadly and imaginatively as possible about the intersections between and among the contemporary arts and their institutions, economies, policies, and traditions. Proposals may focus on individual artists, writers, designers, composers, or performers; they may consider artistic movements, collectives, and local scenes, including those online, or underground; they may discuss any theoretical, intellectual, or aesthetic formation that figures in the world of the arts as we know them now.

Converging Narratives: Besieged and Transgressive Bodies
March 31 and April 1, 2017, Chicago, IL
The interdisciplinary graduate student conference, “Converging Narratives: Besieged and Transgressive Bodies,” will focus on the motif of the body, bodily experiences, and representations of the politicized body in literature and visual arts. Regardless of how they are conceived – as suffering flesh and psyche or embodied subjectivities and collectives – bodies remain the locus and subjects of theory, action, affect, and art. In the context of our technological age, it seems that bodies should be brought together and yet fissures in this rapprochement are continuously revealed. This affects considerations of how bodies of all types are represented, theorized, studied, and transformed in a period of transition.
Deadline: Jan. 30
Contact Email:

Gendered Perspectives of Everyday Violence: Persistence, Resistance,  and Healing
Florida Atlantic University, April 7th, 2017
We invite paper abstracts, complete panel, and roundtable proposals on all work pertaining to women and gender issues. We especially encourage those that engage the conference theme to discuss feminism in relation to regional/national social movements and change.
Submissions are due February 20, 2017.
Please e-mail abstracts to Lauren Brown at or any questions/requests for full CFP can be directed to Lauren Brown at

Large-Scale Violence and Its Aftermath
Kean University | June 25-29, 2017
Large-Scale Violence and Its Aftermaths is a Summer Institute comprising a two-day conference focusing on the United States (June 25-26), followed by half-day working groups over three days on other societies around the world for comparison (June 27-29). It will explore tested and contested measures of dealing with the global legacies of large-scale, collective violence and atrocity crimes - including crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide - against vulnerable communities and fueled by terrorist acts, rogue states, authoritarian regimes, asymmetrical warfare, internal conflict, and institutionalized discrimination. The Institute's purpose is twofold: to clarify the anemic performance by state actors in managing atrocity and large-scale violence and restoring confidence in social stability and security; and to consider non-state, civil-society alternatives that, in the aggregate, could move progressively forward toward securing, if not transforming, successor societies.
deadline: Feb. 28
Contact Email:

Theorizing Harm
Boston, Massachusetts, August 30 – September 2, 2017
We ask how harm is re/defined by the systems it is part of. In Mary Douglas’ theorization of pollution, she claims that, “where there is dirt, there is system: […] a set of ordered relations and a contravention of that order” (1988: 36). Harm is also a contravention of order. What characterizes these orders and their infringement? How are definitions of harm challenged and what is being challenged, exactly? How do different metrics, modes of management, regimes of perceptibility, systems of power, and accountability co-define harm? What are the spatialities and temporalities of harm, and how do they co-construct harm? In short, what is harm and why? The answers will depend on their cases, but we hold that despite differences, there are unifying characteristics. We seek to explore these through a collection of papers that explicitly theorize harm.
Submit an abstract of 250 words to Beza Merid ( and Max Liboiron ( by February 15th
Contact Email:

The Unbearable Humanities
The 2017 Virginia Humanities Conference at Shenandoah University invites proposals for papers, panel sessions, and performances that investigate any aspect of unbearableness within the humanities. This conference seeks to explore the concept of the unbearable—that which cannot be endured or tolerated—with scholars, activists, and students from a wide variety of disciplines and institutions.
Deadline for submission is February 15, 2017.
Contact Email:

International Graduate Historical Studies Conference
March 31-April 1, 2017 | Central Michigan University
We invite graduate students from across the social sciences and the humanities to submit proposals for papers or panels that adopt an interdisciplinary or transnational approach but we are also seeking papers or panels that approach historical topics in more traditional ways. All submissions must be based on original research.  In keeping with the theme of the conference, individual papers will be organized into panels that cross spatial, temporal, and disciplinary boundaries.
The final deadline for abstract submission is February 8, 2017
Contact Email:

Visual Identities
The Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California invites submissions for a graduate student conference on cross cultural interactions in the visual arts. The papers can have a broad temporal and geographic span and can range from antiquity to the present. Preference will be given to papers that deal with the ways in which artists, patrons, and audiences communicate across theological and denominational divides of different faith traditions. The conference will be held on March 10, 2017.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 30, 2017
Contact Email:

Cross-Currents: Finding Fluidity in Identity, Discipline, and Media
Saturday, April 8, 2017 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Inspired by evolving definitions of the humanities, the Duquesne University English Graduate Conference seeks papers from graduate and upper-level undergraduate students on fluidity in identity, discipline, and media. How does the rise of the digital humanities and interdisciplinarity create new frameworks for defining, explaining, and challenging traditional conceptions of discipline, text, and methodologies? How does fluidity between binarisms in media, identity, and discipline enrich scholarship? We invite submissions for panels, papers, posters, and other media presentations that explore exchange across demarcations in all periods and disciplines and embody academic fluidity.
Deadline: Feb. 1
Contact Email:

Human Rights, Ethics and Spirituality
The College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ, April  21st and 22nd, 2017
Human Rights and Democracy, Genocide, Gender Equality, Child labor, Land and Human Rights, Human Rights in the World of Communism, Natural Law and Natural Rights, The Holocaust, Domestic Violence, Forced Labor and Trafficking, Targeted Killings and Drones, Morality and Spirituality, Ethical Pluralism, Virtue Ethics, Categorical Imperative in Kant, Taoist Morality, Comparative Ethics, Ethics in Hinduism, Buddhist Ethics, Rectification of Names in Confucianism, Situational Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Ethics of Globalized World, God and Absolute, Gnosticism  and Mysticism, Dialogues between Christianity and Buddhism, Dialogues between Christianity and Judaism and Islam, Religious Pluralism, Nihilism Gender and Spirituality, Feminist and Ecological Spirituality, Ecological Wisdom, Secular Spirituality, Spiritual Naturalism, Spirituality in Post Modern world, Atheism, etc.
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Housing Across Borders: Mexican and U.S. Housing in Perspective
Mexican and U.S. housing markets are traditionally understood to operate as discrete units, but as these recent crises highlight, housing markets are intertwined with people and processes beyond local geographies. We hold that the U.S. and Mexican housing sectors in particular are connected by the movement of people, money, policies and ideas. Taking into consideration their shared histories, we propose thinking about the U.S. and Mexico together to extract lessons from looking at the experiences of both countries against each other and as a provocation that can lead us to testing our ideas about what housing and city mean.
This conference explores these connections by putting practitioners and interdisciplinary scholars of the U.S. and Mexico into conversation. To this end, the conference will be composed of: two traditional panels in which scholars share their work in presentation form; two roundtable discussions dealing with the panel themes; and one roundtable discussion among planners, developers and practitioners from the San Diego-Tijuana region. Papers need not deal directly with a comparison between Mexico and the U.S. The potential for connections and comparisons will be drawn out in roundtables and in informal discussions during the conference.
Submission Deadline: Feb. 9, 2017
Contact Email:

Trauma & Melodrama: Emotions in the Public Sphere
13th Annual Graduate Student Conference in the Department of Cinema & Media Studies, University of Chicago
This conference invites varied accounts of how melodramatic structures make trauma present—to a screen subject, a filmmaker, an audience, or a national public. How do films and moving-image media deal with critical issues of nationality, ethnicity, religion, politics, gender, mental health, war, disease, displacement, and ecological crisis? How and why does emotion become public in the world, on the screen, and in spectatorial contexts? How do stylization and performance condition a person’s encounter with the traumatic event, the camera, and the screen? In particular, how do moving-image media enlist, transform, or presuppose melodrama as a condition of legibility or opacity?
Deadline for Abstract Submissions: January 30, 2017
Contact Email:

Critical Juncture: The Work of Art - Race/Gender/Sexuality/Disability
Critical Juncture is an international conference uniting those who cross traditional boundaries of academic disciplines. Now in its fourth year at Emory University, CJ offers an intersectional forum for graduate students, professors, artists, and activists to present their work and to advocate for social justice. CJ17: The Work of Art, will explore how art works to defy, resist, and call attention to the particular injustices produced by the social construction of Disability, Race, Gender, and Sexuality.
Abstract Deadline is February 3rd
Contact Email:

From Abolition to Black Lives Matter: Past and Present Forms of Transnational Black Resistance
October 26-28, 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
Protests against racial discrimination, inequality, poverty, and injustice not only pervade (North) American history but span the globe and cross – oftentimes multiple – borders. Building on the recent transnational turn in American Studies and de-centering American Studies’ focus on the nation as the prime focus of analysis, this workshop invites papers that trace the Atlantic routes/roots (Gilroy), the diasporic and global trajectories, as well as the movement, circulation, and dissemination of past and present forms and ideas of black resistance. The conference aims at discussing the transnational dimension of various forms of resistance that are often embedded in larger social movements such as the anti-slavery, the anti-lynching, the Civil Rights, Black Power, Anti-Apartheid, the Global Justice, the Prison Abolition, or the Black Lives Matter movements. Investigating the transatlantic significance of these movements, this conference will also address how collective or individual acts of resistance are articulated and represented in print, performance, visual art, or other media.
​Please send you paper proposal (max. 300 words) and a short bio (150 words) by January 31, 2017 to
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Comics and Authorship
The comic, recently legitimized through the graphic novel phenomenon while remaining anchored in popular culture, can provide unique insights into issues surrounding authorship. Although comics scholarship has explored autobiographical comics and the strategies for self-fashioning of individual canonized comics artists and writers, the complex and mutating concept of comic book authorship remains by and large overlooked. In this special issue dedicated to comics, the open-access journal Authorship seeks to specify the range and potential of the terrain covered by comics and authorship.
Please send articles (ca. 5000 words) to Maaheen Ahmed ( by 31 July 2017

Queer Citizenship and Vulnerability: Beyond the Carnal, Against Criminalization and Towards Living—Well
This symposium seeks to explore the interdisciplinary navigations of queer citizenship, of queer creative spaces, of queer protest and praxis . How is queer citizenship a renegotiation or a normative performance of both time and space? Can we embrace the queer child as the futurity that Kathryn Bond Stockton and Paul Amar suggest? Does this child require the visibility of the queer in the archive? Can the queer child be regarded as the ideal citizen of the world, whose appearance defies the mythos of trickster, nymphet and changeling? How does the contemporary and historical criminalization of the queer and rendering of the deviant present a carnal hermeneutic to be recuperated or resisted? What activisms can queer scholarship and subjectivity embrace and require to live well. How can queer bodies be regarded as sites that exceed time and space, as queer cartographies of becoming? How does living well require an erotics of power that requires living from and through, or against, the flesh?
deadline for submissions: February 5, 2017

James P. Danky Fellowship
In honor of James P. Danky’s long service to print culture scholarship, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Historical Society, is again offering its annual short-term research fellowship.
The Danky Fellowship provides $1000 in funds for one individual planning a trip to carry out research using the collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society (please see details of the collections). Grant money may be used for travel to the WHS, costs of copying pertinent archival resources, and living expenses while pursuing research here.
Applications are due May 1.

Residence Grant at the Center for Urban History
The program includes five one-month residence grants for young researchers, working on their PhD thesis or preparing them for publishing, and five two-week residence grants for advanced researchers. The Center offers place for research, shares access to its library resources, urban media arсhive, researches, academic contacts and provides an opportunity to present and discuss the preliminary results of the grantee’s project at the Center’s Urban seminar or public lectures.
deadline: March 19, 2017
Contact Email:

Gest Research Fellowships at Haverford College
Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections invites applications for the Gest Fellowship, which supports one month of research in Haverford's unique collections. These collections include important resources related to the early history of the Mid-Atlantic region, particularly in the areas of setter-Native American relations, the abolition movement, and Quaker faith and practice.
All projects should include religion as a focus; in the spirit of Margaret Gest's vision, projects should be interdisciplinary and cross-cultural. Projects engaging with any religion, religious community, or historical religious practices will be considered. We hope that materials created through these fellowships advance scholarship and engage with our collections in unique and creative ways. Fellowships are open to scholars at any stage in their careers.
Deadline: Feb. 6
Contact Email:

Tel Aviv University, Dan David Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Dan David Foundation Fund for Excellence in Historical Research at the Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel, will award one post-doctoral fellowship to host a non-Israeli whose research focuses on women’s history or gender and history.
The one-year fellowships of $30,000 will be awarded for the 2017-2018 academic year.  The fellow will conduct his/her research under the supervision of a senior faculty member from the School of History at Tel Aviv University (subject to the terms of the Fund).  The fellow will engage in research connected with his or her area of research and writing.  He or she will be expected to reside in the Tel Aviv area.
Candidates must submit their applications via Email:  by March, 1, 2017 to the Academic Committee

Libraries Special Collections Fellowships
The University of Buffalo Humanities Institute, in collaboration with the UB Libraries, is offering two fellowships – the James Joyce Fellowship and the Charles D. Abbott Library Fellowship – for visiting scholars and graduate students working on their dissertations to use the UB Libraries’ outstanding special collections, which include the Poetry Collection, University Archives, Rare Books, the Music Library, the Polish Collection, and the History of Medicine Collection.
The deadline for applications for the 2017/2018 academic year is January 31, 2017.

AlterNative Calls for Papers for 2017
AlterNative is a multidisciplinary, internationally peer-reviewed journal published continually online as well as in quarterly print issues. AlterNative presents scholarly research on Indigenous worldviews and experiences of decolonization from Indigenous perspectives from around the world.
Articles should range between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including title, abstract, keywords and references. AlterNative also publishes short and timely commentaries on critical issues concerning Indigenous peoples. Commentaries should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words long, including references, abstract, and keywords. A sample article, sample commentary and author guidelines, including format and referencing styles, can be found on the Author Information page on the AlterNative website:
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The Philosophy of Forgiveness
Vernon Press invites short book chapter proposals for Volume III of The Philosophy of Forgiveness series, which will focus on forgiveness in world religions. Submissions are welcome from any discipline as long as the chapter contains a clear philosophical approach or component (ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.). Submissions can be on related issues like anger, justice, and punishment as long as the topic is appropriately related to forgiveness.
Abstract due: March 31, 2017
Contact Email:

Women's Movements and the State
We encourage interdisciplinary approaches that deal with issues of equality, gendered state-building, state violence, and citizenship, encounters to state power, progress/failures of women's movements, and other similarly related topics. How do women's movements deal with the state? How do they negotiate, contest and/or reinforce state structures and agendas? How have relationships between women's movements and the state and other power structures changed over time? What impact do women's movements have on state building? How do women mobilize within and outside existing state structures? Are women's movements disappearing, or are women's issues simply replaced or coopted by other interest groups? Do we still need women's movements today?
Please submit your paper (6000 to 10,000 words) in MS Word format to by March 31, 2017.

Comics and Authorship
The comic, recently legitimized through the graphic novel phenomenon while remaining anchored in popular culture, can provide unique insights into issues surrounding authorship. Although comics scholarship has explored autobiographical comics and the strategies for self-fashioning of individual canonized comics artists and writers, the complex and protean concept of comic book authorship remains by and large overlooked. Analyses of the changing notions of authorship, their contextualization and implications - aesthetic, political, economic - across different comics genres and formats can provide answers to key questions. In this special issue dedicated to comics, the open-access journal Authorship seeks to specify the range and potential of the terrain covered by comics and authorship.
Please send articles (ca. 5000 words) to Maaheen Ahmed ( by 31 July 2017.

Food, Words, and Stories
The first 2017 issue of the academic journal Meridian Critic invites scholarly articles that explore the universe of food, gastronomy and cuisine depicted by words, images and texts. Both food and the lack of food determine the course of human actions and define man’s inner structure. Our food preferences manifest themselves through numerous consumption practices that are rooted in cultural beliefs and traditions specific to certain times and geographic areas. As a culinary strategy, the consumption of food constantly reorganizes man’s symbolic universe and constructs identities. Besides the numerous identity markers accompanying our consumption decisions, our food choices often trigger numerous interpretations that may range from patriotic statements to forms of social protest.  Food consumption may be looked at from a variety of angles proposed by literature, language and cultural studies.
Deadline for article submission: April 15th, 2017
Contact Email:

Inter-disciplinary Political Studies
The free flow of ideas is crucial to ensure the advancement of knowledge. Recent events, quite different in nature and coming from various parts of the world, have displayed the extent to which higher education communities and facilities are under attack. The quality and accessibility of academic work and instruction are being challenged at different latitudes: they are threatened by social and political instability of conflict and post-conflict zones as well as endangered, or at least conditioned, by emerging legislation on counter-terrorism and counter-radicalization. To a lesser extent, several contemporary trends in the politics and policy of higher education are questioning the scholar’s freedom to choose topics and methods of investigation also in established democracies. Reforms inspired by the new public management approach, whose intended aim is to promote public accountability of state funded institutions, are often blamed to have discouraged or punished the adoption of unconventional approaches and perspectives.
We welcome conceptual/theoretical as well as empirical papers, addressing the topic through comparative lenses or single case studies, using quantitative and qualitative approaches. 
Submission of long abstracts (about 1,000 words): 28 February 2017
Contact Email:

The Philosophy of Forgiveness, Volume III
Vernon Press invites short book chapter proposals for Volume III of The Philosophy of Forgiveness series, which will focus on forgiveness in world religions. Submissions are welcome from any discipline as long as the chapter contains a clear philosophical approach or component (ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.). Submissions can be on related issues like anger, justice, and punishment as long as the topic is appropriately related to forgiveness.
Abstract due: March 31, 2017
Contact Email:

Textshop Experiments -- Call for Papers -- Open Issue
Textshop Experiments is an open access journal that aims to extend the work of Greg Ulmer and to foster experimental works that invent, operate in, or analyze the apparatus of Electracy.  We welcome innovative and hybrid works in new media and original scholarship on reading and writing, rhetoric, and culture. The editors of Textshop Experiments invite submissions via essays and video essays, reviews, conference reports, and multimodal projects for its forthcoming Open Issue to be published in May 2017.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2017.
Contact Email:

Social Media and Digital Journalism
Vernon Press invites book proposals on the theme of “Social Media and Digital Journalism” for our book series in Communication and Journalism. The emergence of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and YouTube has had an impact not only in shaping people’s social habits, but also for communication and journalists’ working practices. Interactive technologies serve as new platforms for promotion and announcements and also as new sources for news, leads and contacts, upsetting established professional practices, inviting controversy and opening up new areas of academic inquiry.

Speculative Visions
For its twenty-seventh issue, InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture invites scholarly articles and creative works that address the complex and multiple meanings of speculative visions. For Issue 27, we would like contributors to consider a range of questions produced by both historical and contemporary science fiction, fantasy, and horror across all visual media. How are objects transcribed and/or adapted from one medium to another? How do the limitations and possibilities of a medium structure works? How have these genres endured over time beyond their originary forms? How have technological advances altered the literalization of these imagined worlds? We welcome papers and artworks that further the various understandings of speculative visions.
Creative works, reviews, and submissions to the journal’s blog are also welcome.
Please send completed papers (with references following the guidelines from the Chicago Manual of Style) of between 4,000 and 10,000 words to by March 1, 2017. Inquiries should be sent to the same address.

New Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature II
"This Special Issue plans to continue and develop the theme of “New Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature.” The first Special Issue on this topic brought together ten essays, ranging from texts examining this topic in Ancient Chinese thought to essays on Benjamin, Fanon, empire, metaphor, avant-garde poetry, and even The Hunger Games. Although it can be argued that the tension between philosophy and literature is intrinsically Western--pace Plato, who mentions the then already “old” quarrel between philosophy and poetry—it nonetheless provides a productive frame for questioning such fundamental terms as ”experience,” “reality,” “truth,” and their different articulations in diverse traditions..."
The manuscript delivery deadline is 1 November 2017.

Tropical Liminal: Urban Vampires
The vampire and other monstrous beings constitute some of the most famous myths that continue to haunt contemporary society. This special issue examines the presence of these beings within cities of the tropics and sub-tropics – from New Orleans in the deep south of America to Singapore in South East Asia – and examples from cities of the Caribbean, Latin America, African, the Pacific and tropical Asia.
Submissions close 1 February 2017
Contact Email:

Trans-Humanities -  Call for general submissions
Trans-Humanities is an academic journal envisioning a new horizon for the humanities. The journal is published by the Ewha Institute for the Humanities (EIH) which has pursued the Humanities Korea (HK) Project since 2007 with its agenda “Trans-Humanities: Reimagining and Reconstructing the Human Sciences.” Trans-Humanities aims to transcend the limits of the existing humanities studies as rigid disciplinary research and offer instead an arena for discussion to generate new humanities discourses that can respond to the age of trans-boundary culture by supporting researches with interdisciplinary, convergent, and practical implications.

Journal of Working-Class Studies
The Journal of Working-Class Studies is an online, open-access peer reviewed journal that supports diverse explorations of working-class life. It is the journal of the Working-Class Studies Association. The Working-Class Studies Association aims to develop and promote multiple forms of scholarship, teaching, and activism related to working-class life and cultures. We invite submissions that contribute significant knowledge to our understanding of who the global working class(es) are and have been, as well as what it means to ‘study’ class, conceptually and as a socio-economic reality. We especially encourage work that explores how class intersects with other vectors of identity and experience, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and citizenship status.

blog of the Journal of the History of Ideas,
JHIBlog welcomes contributions from anyone working in the field of intellectual history ecumenically conceived. Like our parent journal, we are committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. The blog editors seek well-researched short essays (600-1,500 words) in English that present new research, comment on scholarly happenings and controversies, and review conferences, events, and groups of recent publications. We welcome brief proposals from new contributors via email:

Making Kin, Part 2
In her essay “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene:
Making Kin,” Donna Haraway urges us to revision “kin” and “kinship” in such a way as to include non-blood relations and nonhumans. “We need to make kin sym-chthonically, sym-poetically. Who and whatever we are, we  need to make-with—become-with, compose-with—the earthbound…My purpose is to make kin mean something other/more than entities tied by ancestry or genealogy.” Issue #5 (like Issue #4) of /Dark Matter/ will center on writing and artwork that offer ways to embody and/or enact an expanded vision of kin/kinship. Deadline: March 3, 2017.

Feminist Food Studies: Exploring Intersectionality
Feminist Food Studies: Exploring Intersectionality aims to pull together current scholarship that engages with intersectionality, as theoretical approach, epistemology, methodology, or method, in the emergent area of feminist food studies. We seek to address questions such as: how might a feminist, intersectional framework enhance, enliven, and advance food studies? How might feminist intersectionality inform the movement for food justice in ways that bring to light the complexities of doing this work locally, nationally, and internationally?
Feminist Food Studies: Exploring Intersectionality, will feature papers that highlight current empirical research and feminist theorizing using an intersectional lens in the emergent area of feminist food studies. The Edited Collection will be international in scope and thus, we welcome a range of papers that examine food and intersectionality in all its complexity, broadly represented through the thematic areas of the socio–‐cultural, the material and the embodied or corporeal domains.
Deadline for proposals: February 28, 2017
Please submit abstracts to:

The Contemporary
The Dandelion editors seek submissions on the theme of THE CONTEMPORARY for their forthcoming issue.
We seek submissions that address how the social, political and aesthetic dilemmas that characterize our present are made manifest in the twenty-first century’s cultural production. For instance, if the contemporary is the cultural logic of neoliberal capitalism made tangible, then how can its ‘common sense’ be registered, revised, or resisted? Is the contemporary experienced similarly across the globe, or are its pressure points, modes and sites of dissent different depending on their location? How might we pull on the emergency brake?
The journal invites submissions from postgraduate students and early career scholars that address the theme of the contemporary across the spectrum of Arts and Humanities research.
Please send all completed submissions to by 6th February 2017.

Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity
The collection of essays Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity focuses on the intersection of race, ethnicity, and cosmopolitanism as conceptualized in contemporary theory and race and ethnicity studies in the U.S. If the notions of race and ethnicity have been interrogated and discussed by numerous scholars, it is only recently that the critical gaze has been turned in the direction of cosmopolitanism. The book will investigate how contemporary scholars of ethnic and postcolonial studies theorize cosmopolitanism in the U.S. in an attempt to see it as a notion that could provide a platform for transcultural human communication and transnational human solidarity.
Please send complete papers to or by July 30, 2017.
Contact Email:

Contributions to Gender Studies Reader
I am seeking chapter proposals for an edited reader in social studies of gender marketed to upper-division students.
Proposals should include 1. a description of the topic of the chapter; 2. an outline of how the chapter will address the existing debates, pedagogical problems, and key concepts and standards of measurement of the topic; and 3. a comment on how the chapter would push or provoke conceptual constructs in the sociology of gender (e.g., two-sex system, inequality, cultural identities).
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Humanities and Religion
Our newspapers, televisions, and social media feeds are filled daily with stories that involve some aspect of religion and religious belief. Religious literacy, however, seems sorely lacking at a time when informed dialog is critical. This issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities invites papers that consider the role of religion and religious belief within the Humanities and the public sphere.          
Submissions might look at the role of religion and religious beliefs in constructing identities of gender and sexuality, in shaping public discourse around political issues, or in informing the creation of new mythologies in the gaming industry. Examinations of specific religions and their relationships to topics within the Humanities are also welcome. Submission and questions should be directed to Dr. Ann Horak

History and News in Hypermedia Space: Global Case Studies
This special issue of The Communication Review will address issues relating to hypermedia in the production of history and news in political conflict. Of particular interest is how digital media products and activities may be testing the boundaries—or exploiting the changes—in popular conceptions of “news” and “primary source” information. Contributing papers will address questions related to hypermedia in the production of news reports, historical narratives, and outcomes in domestic, national, and international conflict. Of particular interest is how hypermedia products and transactions may be testing the boundaries-- or exploiting the changes—in traditional standards of “news” and “primary" evidence.
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Photography and the Histories of Working Peoples and Laboring Lives
This issue of Radical History Review explores the potential of photography as a medium that enables new and radical approaches to historicizing the study of labor, laboring lives, and working peoples, locally, transnationally, and globally. It seeks to showcase methodologically generative research that builds upon the recent boom in theoretical work in the fields of visual cultural studies and photography, and how insights from these fields can be harnessed to reinvigorate historical studies of working lives and ordinary people.
Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2017
Contact Email:

2017 Northeast Popular/American Culture Conference
The Northeast Popular/American Culture Association (NEPCA) announces its first call for paper proposals for its annual conference. The 2017 conference will be held on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst the weekend of October 27-28, 2017. NEPCA is soliciting proposals dealing with all aspects of popular culture and American culture, broadly construed. NEPCA conferences welcome graduate students, junior faculty, independent researchers, and senior faculty as equals. NEPCA prides itself on offering intimate and nurturing sessions in which new ideas and works-in-progress can be aired, as well as completed projects. NEPCA is dedicated to expanding intellectual horizons, open engagement, and constructive criticism.
The deadline for applications is June 1, 2017.
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Contemporary Approaches to Political Participation
For a sound and working democratic system, citizen engagement in politics is of utmost importance. Especially in today’s world where international politics are interrupted by populist political elites and authoritarian governments, civic engagement functions as an essential element of check and balance mechanism in the overall political system. As the opportunities for political participation increase, participation means and channels diversify every day.
In this context, political participation research in modern world is very promising in terms of understanding contemporary debates and key concepts of political participation. In order to contribute to the scholarship on political participation with up to date studies, Political Communication Institute will publish edited volume on the issue in 2017. The volume will be peer-reviewed and English in full. We welcome papers focusing on various aspects of the phenomenon of political participation and related subjects.
All abstracts must be submitted latest by March 10th, 2017 via email to Adinda Khaerani (

The Intimate State: Gender, Sexuality, and Governance in Modern U.S. History
We are soliciting original history essays—archive-based research on specific topics, as well as conceptual essays addressing more abstract questions—regarding gender, sexuality and the state for a new edited volume. We seek to bring twenty-five years of scholarship on gender, sexuality, and the family to bear on the history of modern state authority in the United States (1865 to the present). While the volume will reach back to the Reconstruction era and value this history as such, we also hope to point toward a usable past in an uncertain present. These collected essays will aim to demonstrate that the involvements of government authority in intimate life warrant greater historical analysis and theorization than they have generated to date.
Please send an abstract of no more than 750 words, including references to major sources for the research if archive-based, to Margot Canaday (, Nancy Cott (, and Robert Self ( by April 10, 2017, along with a one-page CV.

special edition 'Animal Intersections'
Animal Studies Journal is seeking submissions from scholars and creative practitioners for a special edition focusing on the themes of the forthcoming Australasian Animal Studies Association conference ‘Animal Intersections’ at the University of Adelaide 3-5 July, 2017:
The journal is interested in papers which address the fractures, tensions and layers of intersection across human-animal relations, and in particular for the lives of non-human animals. Papers might engage with the practices and methods associated with theories of intersectionality in order to enrich the study of non-human animal lives and their interface with human society.
Submissions are due no later than 31 July, 2017
For further information please contact either: Melissa Boyde: or Michael Griffiths:

Approaches to Teaching the Work of Edwidge Danticat
The goal of this book is to provide a pedagogical approach to teach Edwidge Danticat’s collection of works. The project has a twofold objective. First, it will explore diasporic categories and postcolonial themes such as gender constructs, cultural nationalism, cultural and communal identity, problems of location and (dis) location, religious otherness, and the interplay between history and memory. Secondly, the book will investigate Danticat’s human rights activism, the immigrant experience, the relationship between the particular and the universal, and the violence of hegemony and imperialism in relationship with society, family, and community. We envision this book to be interdisciplinary and used in undergraduate and graduate courses. We are particularly interested in the teaching of her major works.
If you would like to contribute a book chapter to this important project, along with a brief bio, please submit a 300 word abstract by Tuesday, January 31, 2017, to Celucien Joseph @, Suchismita Banerjee @, and Danny Hoey @
Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2017

CFP: Toxic Fan Practices
Contributions are welcome on a variety of topics that investigate the concept of toxic fan practices and methodological issues arising such as:
  *   Online methodologies/ netnographies of particular fan communities and social media platforms
  *   Specific case studies of toxic fan cultures (e.g. Star Trek fans’ responses to gay Sulu or Marvel fans’ reactions to female Thor)
  *   Criticism of toxic fans from within fandoms, intra-fandom conflicts (e.g. Game of Thrones fans condemning and celebrating scenes of rape)
  *   Widescale protests and boycotts on social media (such as #boycottstarwars or #buryyourgays)
  *   Criticisms of representations of race, gender, sexuality, etc., in fan cultures
Please send 300 word abstracts to both editors by March 1, 2017: Bridget Kies, and William Proctor,

Trans-Asian Indigeneity/ Summer Institute
Penn State University invites applicants for its annual Asian Studies Summer Institute, to be held June 18-24, 2017.
We invite applications from the Humanities, Arts and Sciences—anthropology, environmental studies, history, political ecology, geography, art and literature—that examine “Indigeneity” as a protean concept and lived reality in Asia, Asian America, and Asian diasporic communities across the globe.  We are especially interested in attending to the concept’s travels between Asian and western settler societies, or those following the movement’s historical concurrence with the rise of neoliberal political economy and the onset of massive anthropogenic environmental change.
Deadline: March 17, 2017

Decolonizing Communicative Praxis with ‘Words that Remake Life’
In this two-part workspace, a collective of transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary scholars will come together to deliberate on and practice new modes of communicative praxis in academic conference/workshops. We will come together to reflect on our collective experiences of decolonization as critical practice in academic work(shop)spaces and to think through and implement novel forms of communicative praxis. We seek to foster meaningful conversations across paradigms and between traditions of knowledge that ‘politicize and amplify’  knowledge(s). We seek to create space for (a) reclamation projects that continue to re-define as well as (b) critiques of pervasive forms of “epistemicide;” those forced destructions of ways of knowing as well as intellectual property thefts, cognitive and epistemic marginalization(s), and cultural misappropriations.
Deadline: Feb. 15
Contact Email:

Gender, The State, and the 1977 International Women's Year Conference
University of Houston-main campus June 12-18, 2017
This NEH Summer Seminar is designed to engage and equip educators with fresh scholarship, classroom resources, and pedagogy addressing U.S. politics, economics, and culture from the 1970s to the late twentieth century.  The National Women’s Conference will be our entry point into broader thematic discussions addressing topics including the changing workplace and family, political realignment, identity politics, religious revival, Cold War tensions, social movement organizing, deindustrialization, and globalization.  In this fast-paced week, we will join in participant driven discussions, visit local archives and historic sites, and develop curriculum for a variety of classroom settings.  While the history of this period will be featured and debated, we welcome participants from a variety of disciplines and teaching backgrounds.  
Deadline: March 1
Contact Email:

York Summer Theory Institute in Art History
May 22 – 26, 201
The 2017 YSTI investigates the relationships between visuality, or historically and culturally specific ways of seeing, and virtuality – the creation of objects and spaces that extend, augment or transform the ordinary furniture of the visual world, including such notable technologies as painterly illusion (trompe l’oeil), pictorial perspective, ‘virtuality reality games’ and ‘real-time simulations’.
To apply e-mail with a short statement (max 250 words) setting out how you envisage your attendance contributing to your research by Friday 14th April 2017.

Islam in Asia: Traditions and Transformations
This multidisciplinary NEH-supported summer institute will offer four weeks of context-rich and critical engagement with Islamic traditions, examining their origins and how they have shaped and been shaped by the cultures and societies of South and Southeast Asia. The first three weeks of the program will consider how Islam historically addressed both personal and social needs in ways that were inseparable from the dynamics of intellectual exchange, artistic production, social organization and politics. The final week will examine the complex interplay of Islam and globalization in the context of contemporary Asia. Participants will receive a stipend of $3300 to help defray costs.
Application deadline: March 1, 2017
Contact Email:

Knowledge in Flight: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Scholar Rescue in North America
Workshop at The New School for Social Research, New York City, December, 2017
The German Historical Institute, The Leo Baeck Institute and The New School for Social Research are organizing a workshop on the movement of scholars from perilous and intellectually-oppressive political situations to new environments that have allowed them to continue their work or even thrive in their chosen discipline. The purpose of the Knowledge in Flight Workshop is to understand the history and contemporary relevance of “scholar rescue”. The Workshop will explore the topic from a variety of perspectives, including historical, institutional, financial, geopolitical, and cultural. The Workshop will also consider a better understanding of the history of scholar rescue and shed light on today’s refugee crisis.
Please send a short abstract of no more than one page and a brief c.v. by February 1st, 2017, to Susanne Fabricius at

Women and Development in the Global South
Under a program supported by the Vera R. Campbell Foundation, SAR invites proposals for an Advanced Seminar that focuses on the circumstances of women in the developing world and offers paths to concrete, practical strategies for improving their health, prosperity, and general well-being. Several of the seminar participants must be women scholars or scholars/practitioners from the developing world since one of the goals of the seminar is to foster professional linkages and the sharing of relevant experiences. Proposals may address global problems or focus on specific regional questions. Above all, the participants should be committed to producing practical improvements in the lives of women and workable proposals likely to achieve that end. Seminars focused on broad policy issues will be judged according to whether practical implementation measures are included in the discussion.
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2017.
For questions, please call (505) 954-7201 or email: seminar[at]

Black Activist New York
The Columbia University Institute for Research in African-American Studies (IRAAS) is now accepting applications for its 2017 Summer Teachers and Scholars Institute (STSI). Convening for one week between Monday July 10  and Friday July 14, 2017. This year’s lecturers and presenters will include Samuel K. Roberts (STSI Director),Zaheer Ali, Afua Atta-Mensah, Dante Barry, Ansley Erickson, Crystal Feimster, Steven Fullwood, Rujeko Hockley, and Minkah Mikalani.
The fee for the STSI is $1,800 and a limited number of partial fellowships are available.
Deadline: April 2
Please go to for more information or contact us at
Contact Email:

Berlin Program Summer Workshop
Contention over moments of ‘continuity’ and ‘rupture’ have fundamentally shaped scholarly debates not only in German Studies but also in a range of other national historiographies and fields of inquiry. Establishing narratives of developments have made these concepts indispensable to scholarly analysis. In history, for example, both terms have proven essential given the need for periodization. At the same time, they have also often proved problematic in capturing both complex interactions of ‘strands’ of continuity and rupture and processes of more evolutionary change. This workshop seeks to advance critical reflection on these concepts, their usefulness and potential limits as narrative devices in a broad array of disciplines that intersect with German Studies, including Anthropology, Art History, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology.
Please submit a 250-word abstract and a two-page CV by February 15, 2017 to
Contact Email:

Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives
The Bucerius Young Scholars Forum is a new annual program designed to bring together a small transatlantic group of ten junior scholars from Germany, Europe and North America to explore new research and questions in the history of migration with a particular focus on questions arising from interlacing the perspectives of migration and knowledge, as these are extremely thorough and open to current debates. The forum is connected to the Annual Bucerius Lecture on “Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives”, given and commented on by two prominent figures in the field of migration studies. Planing with precirculated papers, in the course of two days, the participants will give short presentations  of their individual research projects and - together with their mentors and peers - engage in discussions on the state of the research field.
While the focus of the forum will be on historic discourses, we also want to encourage young scholars working in the fields of social sciences, political sciences, anthropology, migration and area studies to apply. The workshop language will be English. The organizers will cover basic expenses for travel and accommodation. Please send short proposals (750 words max.) and a one-page CV to Dr. Sarah Beringer ( by February 15, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by late April 2017.

Archival Summer School in the United States for Historians
The German Historical Institute of Washington is now accepting applicants for an archival training summer school in the United States for doctoral students from Germany and the United States from July 24 to August 2, 2017.
This ten-day summer school prepares Ph.D. students working in various fields of history for their prospective research trips and teaches them practical research skills. Participants will learn how to contact archives, use finding aids, identify important reference tools, and become acquainted with various American research facilities in multiple cities, among them the National Archives and the Library of Congress in Washington and the Newberry Library in Chicago. They will gain insight into how historical sources – both traditional and digital – are acquired, preserved, and made accessible to historians. In addition, they will have the opportunity to connect with their peers, to meet a number of prominent scholars, and to discuss their research with them.
Deadline: January 31
Contact Email:

"What Justice Wants!" Critical Ethnic Studies Journal Special issue (2.2) is available!
In this issue by new editors Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, authors reveal salient points of convergence and divergence across different traditions of conceptualizing justice and social change.

HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory)
All content on HASTAC is organized into six main topics, each with its own set of subtopics: Humanities, Arts, & Media; Teaching & Learning Practices; Technology, Networks, & Sciences; Educational & Cultural Institutions; Publishing & Archives; Social & Political Issues. This Explore page allow you to browse this content or sort it topically.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Calls for Papers, Workshops, and Resources, January 11, 2017

Guilty Pleasures and Confessional Spaces: Storytelling and the Digital Dionysus
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, March 31 – April 1, 2017
This conference seeks to interrogate the implicit and explicit relationships between the crimes we commit, the structures we violate, and the stories we tell. Specifically, we intend to investigate the notion of space—both imaginary and concretely defined—and the role it plays in shaping contemporary discourses of pleasure and punishment. Additionally, this conference will engage with these discourses in the age of information. How does this liminal space—an online bacchanalia of obscured identities, open transgression of social and cultural norms, and hidden impulses writ large—function as a construct that facilitates unique and revolutionary means of seeing and communicating on a global level?
Please send a 500 word abstract along with a brief biographical statement, in a separate document, to by January 27, 2017. 
Contact Email:

Defining Agency, Performing Power
March 25-26th, 2017 -- University of Pittsburgh
Issues such as the refugee crisis, relations between EU member and non-member states, and ongoing tensions related to political, economic, and social instability represent sources of division in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. These issues have encouraged new discussions not only of the definition - and redefinition - of geopolitical and physical borders, but also cultural, social, ethnic, linguistic, and religious divides. This year’s conference centers on topics of agency and power in the expression of physical and symbolic borders.
Deadline: Monday, January 23rd

American Ethnological Society Annual Spring Meeting 2017
Stanford University, March 30-April 1, 2017
We look forward to seeing you at AES 2017 this coming spring. Pondering an idea or a nasty notion that you’d like to showcase? Some folks you’d like to bring together for a panel or a roundtable? We’ve got a terrific lineup of keynote speakers—Didier Fassin, Deborah Thomas, and Hugh Gusterson—as well as attractive below-market rates for accommodations. Graduate student presentations are warmly welcomed! More information can be found at
Deadline: January 20
Contact Jianghong An at

International Conference on Food Culture
Food is something we all consumer every day; however, food is more than that. Food is also a sign of distinctive culture and religious observance, as well as sign of a lifestyle and cultural identity. For example, kosher food for religious Jews or halal food for religious Muslims represents a sign of their religiosity and religious identity. In addition, food is cultural for different countries eat different food and food has thus become a part of cultural diplomacy. Therefore, in more multicultural societies of the West Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and other world foods became part of everyday lives of the people who may not know much about the country the food is coming from nor they have ever visited that country, but they do like the food and thus learn about the country and its customs.
Submissions of abstracts (up to 500 words) with an email contact should be sent to Dr Martina Topić ( by 15 February 2017 to or abstracts can be submitted via conference website.

Female Leadership in Academia
We aim to address this gap and promote female leadership in academia, but we also wish to emphasize specifically feminist leadership as a means to address feminist issues in academia, such as social justice, inclusivity, diversity, and intersectionality. Inspired by the most recent Coalitional Feminism in Action panel from the 2016 Women in German annual meeting, which focused on the WiG Herstory project, our panel endeavors to continue and initiate conversations about the value of institutional memory and the continuities fostered through sustained dialogue in order to improve leadership practices of current and future academic leaders.
For this interactive and collaborative panel, we invite short contributions of approximately 8-10 minutes that address different kinds of leadership in academia, from mentoring of and by graduate students and junior and mid-career level faculty, to more formally-recognized leadership positions at higher levels.
Interested contributors should send abstracts of 200 words or fewer along with a short CV to Elisabeth Krimmer and Melissa Sheedy by March 1st, 2017.

Feminisms and Rhetorics 2017
The Department of English, together with Program in Women and Gender Studies, the College of Arts and Sciences, and University Libraries at the University of Dayton (UD) invite proposals for the Eleventh Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference to be held at UD October 4-7, 2017.
Our conference theme, Rhetorics, Rights, (R)evolutions, draws attention to the significance of our field, of history, and of rhetorical practices at a time in which human rights - especially among women and people of color - are threatened on a daily basis. Meanwhile, civic discourses and public forms of democratic deliberation are in a state of upheaval as arguments based on reasoning and evidence matter little in the face of might-makes-right ideological triggers.
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2017

Emotional Publics and Political Feelings in Participatory Media
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6 July 2017
Much of the articulation of political subjectivity in everyday media, in the form of audience call-ins, micro-blogs, or tweets and social networking, is pervaded with emotion. These spaces, usually not regarded as political, involve affective participation more often than ‘rational’ debate. This affective participation bears tremendous significance as the routine political talk that sustains democracies. We therefore encourage workshop papers to focus on participatory media as a cultural space that mediatises emotions in these acts of everyday politics. The acknowledgement that communities are bound together by emotional ties and emotional vocabularies compels us to consider at what point these communities can be said to constitute ‘publics.’
Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2017
Contact Email:

Indigenous Discovery and Exploration History
A Thematic Panel and Call for Articles
Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries, Milwaukee, WI, 22-23 September, 2017
This thematic panel seeks to deepen scholarship on non-European, non-Western accounts of discovery and exploration while focusing on how Indigenous peoples discovered and explored other parts of the globe. Indigenous peoples across the world undertook voyages of discovery and exploration that sometimes resulted in settlement and the intermingling of different peoples and cultures. Contributions to this panel will critically examine the process, experience, and outcomes of voyages undertaken by Indigenous peoples before, during, and after the European era of ‘discovery’, from circumpolar travel by peoples such as the Innu, and the arduous travels of the Inca to Europe during the Spanish colonial era, to the Indigenous inhabitants of Africa and their migration to Australia.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations concerning any Indigenous people and relating to any geographic context and period are invited. Papers accepted for this thematic panel will subsequently be developed into article-length manuscripts that will undergo peer review and form a thematic issue of Terrae Incognitae devoted to Indigenous perspectives on discovery and exploration.
Please send proposals of up to 250 words to Dr. Lauren Beck (, editor of Terrae Incognitae, by 3 February, 2017

Transatlantic Studies Association Annual Conference
University College Cork, Ireland, 10‐12 July 2017
Established in 2002, the TSA is a broad network of scholars who use the ‘transatlantic’ as a frame of reference for their work in political, economic, cultural, historical, environmental, literary, and IR/security studies.  All transatlantic-­‐themed paper and panel proposals from these and related disciplines are welcome.
Deadline for panel and paper proposals: 3 February 2017
Contact Email:

Belonging between scholarship and artistic practice: Changing Social Connections in Time and Space
Montréal, Québec Canada, November 2-5, 2017
We invite you to submit panels and  papers related to migration/immigration and mobility for the forthcoming SSHA conference on “Changing Social Connections in Time and Space.”  We encourage submissions on all aspects of social science history. Submission of complete sessions and interdisciplinary panels are especially welcome.
The Migration Network is one of the largest and most active networks at the SSHA. This year’s theme, focusing on changing social connections across time and space, offers especially rich opportunities for migration scholars.
Submission Deadline: March 3, 2017
Contact Email:

World Multidisciplinary Art Symposium
The "World Multidisciplinary Art Symposium - WMAS 2017" will be held in in Prague (Czech Republic) during 19-23 June 2017.
Topics of WMAS are mainly - Fine Arts, Contemporary and Visual Arts, Performance Arts, Applied Arts, Decorative Arts, Art History, and others. The studies related with the following themes are welcome:
Painting, Sculpture, Music, Theatre & Stage, Cinema, Photography, Videography, Animation, Cinematography, Urban Art, Architecture & Design, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Fashion/Furnishings Design, Interior Design, Communication& Design, Art & Media, Art & Society, Internet & Art, Computer& Art, Decorative Art, Handicrafts, Culinary Arts & Gastronomy, Textile, Ceramics, etc. And, of course History of Arts (Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-classicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Pointillism and Post-Impressionism, Symbolism and Art Noveau, Modern Art - Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Modern and Contemporary - Pop-Art, Minimalism and Post-Modernism, ...).
Deadline: March 10, 2017

The Stories We Tell: Forceful Discourse(s) and The Veracity of Narrative(s)
University of California, Merced, California, April 22nd 2017
This conference seeks to expand our existing perspectives and practices, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, to illuminate a wider view of what can be discussed with rigor beyond what we currently consider critical scholarship and who or what can participate in it. We question what counts as narrative, the devices and structures that legitimate it, and who decides what stories we are allowed to tell. How do we engage with the stories that are already told, and how might we mitigate lost narratives or narratives that have never been told? How do we speak from an Archive of erasure? What archival gaps remain to be populated with these abandoned voices? How do we challenge narratives that speak falsely? Considering the Anthropocene and the retroactive erasure it has wrought, can we find alternative post-human narratives to tell more truth than we ourselves may be comfortable facing or want to understand?
The deadline to submit a proposal is February 17th 2017
Contact Email:

1967: The Search for Peace
April 28-29, 2017, Lubbock, Texas
The Vietnam Center and Archive and the newly-created Institute for Peace & Conflict (IPAC) at Texas Tech University are pleased to announce a conference focused on the year 1967 and the search for peace in Vietnam. We hope and expect in this conference to approach the events of 1967 in the broadest possible manner by hosting presentations not only on the antiwar and peace movements at home and abroad, but also on efforts to end the conflict through international diplomacy as well as military and diplomatic means in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
Proposal submission deadline is February 15, 2017
Contact Email:

Queer Pedagogies of Dissent in the Age of Empire, Homonationalism, and Social Protest
This is a call for papers for a proposed panel for the American Studies Association (ASA)'s 2017 Meeting:
This panel seeks to explore how counter-cultural queer movements, tactics, and pedagogies of dissent, as exemplified in BLM Toronto’s interruption of Pride and BLM San Francisco’s boycott of the parade, resist discourses of a sexual-national exceptionalism and reject homonationalist arguments that the North American nation is now culturally exceptional in its progressivity and compassion because of the benevolent elevation of formerly marginalized homosexual subjects. As we have seen, there is still much we can learn from a clamorous politics of radical queer protest that reclaims dispossessed spaces and seeks to expose racial-sexual-gender modes of exclusion operating clandestinely within LGBTQ politics. What pedagogical lessons or cultural insight, then, may radical queer protest bring forth?

History of Education Society 2017 Annual Meeting
Little Rock, Arkansas Nov. 1-5, 2017
The Program Committee for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the History of Education Society invites proposals on all topics related to the history of education, in any period or setting. The Committee defines education broadly to include all institutions of socialization—mass media, voluntary organizations, and so on—as well as schools; universities; learned and/or scientific societies; libraries, museums, and other cultural institutions; vocational and/or corporate training enterprises; after-school and out-of-school learning environments; international organizations; and technology-mediated systems of education. We invite proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions, panel discussions, or workshops.
Proposals are due on or before Sunday, March 15, 2017
Contact Email:

Milestones, Markers, and Moments: Turning Points in American Experience and Tradition
This year, Eastern American Studies Association, in partnership with the Middle Atlantic Folklife Association and the incipient Society of Americanists, a coalition of persons and organizations devoted to the study of American culture, invites proposals for papers, panels, forums, and workshops related to the broad theme of turning points in American history, folklife, education, cultural conservation, heritage, and society. The program committee is particularly interested in examples of public memory and memorialization that have played notable roles in American culture and its global reach. Closer to the present, we also invite analyses of the presidential election of 2016 as a milestone event, already distinguished historically by the first woman to run for president as candidate of a major party.
Deadline: January 23
Contact Email:

International Conference on Religion, Culture and Politics: Re-thinking Secularisation Theory
Religion is often discussed through the eyes of the secularisation theory; however, there is no agreement on what secularisation is, or to what extent religion is present in our lives even though religion is as influential as ever. Whether we understand secularisation as a decline of religious beliefs, privatization of religion, or as differentiation of the secular spheres and emancipation (Casanova 2006; Berger 2001), we still have to ask ourselves to what extent religion shapes our present lives. Is religion then still influencing our lifestyle and choices we make? To what extent is religion influencing and shaping our everyday lives? What is the connection between religion and politics? Has multiculturalism failed? Has the secularization theory failed, and how do we move forward?
Submissions of abstracts (up to 500 words) with an email contact should be sent to Dr Martina Topić ( by 15 February 2017 to or uploaded directly via the conference website

Virginia Humanities Conference
April 7-8, 2017
The 2017 Virginia Humanities Conference at Shenandoah University invites proposals for papers, panel sessions, and performances that investigate any aspect of unbearableness within the humanities. This conference seeks to explore the concept of the unbearable—that which cannot be endured or tolerated—with scholars, activists, and students from a wide variety of disciplines and institutions. VHC 2017 will examine how and what kinds of knowledge the humanities produce that existing structures cannot bear; how and why approaches to this unbearableness that are grounded in the humanities are met with resistance; and, finally, how we in the humanities value, make use of, and respond to contemporary, and sometimes unbearable, issues.
Deadline for submission is February 15, 2017

Historians Without Borders, History Without Limits
The University of California: Davis History Department and Graduate Student Association invites proposal submissions for its second annual graduate student conference to be held May 19-21, 2017 at the University of California: Davis.
With this conference, we hope to explore how history is made, used, preserved, and accessed through a wide variety of mediums and disciplines around the world and over time. We are particularly interested in how historical study is a useful tool to unite other humanities and social sciences disciplines in innovative ways.
Deadline: Feb. 10
Contact Email:

2017 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
Austin, TX, May 23, 2017 – May 25, 2017
TCDL addresses a wide range of topics including the creation, promotion, preservation, and management of digital projects and assets, as well as the software and applications that drive the digital library world. Through a blend of interactive presentations, engaging speakers, and informative workshops, TCDL 2017 will be a great place to network and experience the latest in all things digital.
Proposal deadline: February 3, 2017

AlterNative Calls for Papers for 2017
AlterNative is a multidisciplinary, internationally peer-reviewed journal published continually online as well as in quarterly print issues. AlterNative presents scholarly research on Indigenous worldviews and experiences of decolonization from Indigenous perspectives from around the world.
Articles should range between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including title, abstract, keywords and references. AlterNative also publishes short and timely commentaries on critical issues concerning Indigenous peoples. Commentaries should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words long, including references, abstract, and keywords. A sample article, sample commentary and author guidelines, including format and referencing styles, can be found on the Author Information page on the AlterNative website:
Contact Email:

The Philosophy of Forgiveness
Vernon Press invites short book chapter proposals for Volume III of The Philosophy of Forgiveness series, which will focus on forgiveness in world religions. Submissions are welcome from any discipline as long as the chapter contains a clear philosophical approach or component (ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.). Submissions can be on related issues like anger, justice, and punishment as long as the topic is appropriately related to forgiveness.
Abstract due: March 31, 2017
Contact Email:

International Education, Educational Rights and Pedagogy
The aim of this Special Issue of International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives is to facilitate further discussions on inclusive, culturally competent and accountable teaching in an unstable and frequently vexed geopolitical space. We believe that sharing approaches to teaching international students with respect to cultural diversity, equality, and cross-cultural applicability of concepts, methodologies and social issues, can and should be explored.
Please send 300-word abstracts and a 100-word biography including your contact and affiliation details to all three guest editors by 1st of March 2017
The journal style guidelines, peer review policies and other relevant information can be viewed here:
Contact Email:

Neoliberalism and Popular Culture
This issue of The Journal of Popular Culture will focus on how neoliberalism shapes – and is shaped by – popular culture.  It will survey the myriad of ways in which popular culture reflects, refines, or refutes the tenets of this social framework. For instance, how do single-shooter video games affirm, or challenge, neoliberalism? Or, does the proliferation of streaming media content influence the trajectory of these values? This issue will also consider how critical responses to popular culture frequently harbor neoliberal tendencies. Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, for example, can be read as (at least partially) complicit. Importantly, the scope of this issue will not be confined to Western nations. The guiding principles of neoliberalism underpin countless seismic shifts, from Chile to China.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2017
Contact Email:

Re-viewing Digital Technologies and Art History
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
By raising awareness of the importance of integrating technology into intellectual work, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) promotes fluency in computational tools and analytical techniques and enhances our understanding of the role that new technologies play across different disciplines. This special issue focuses on digital art history (DAH), an emerging subfield of art history that considers how new technological tools have led to new strategies in teaching, research, conservation, and curation.
Submission deadline for full manuscripts May 15th, 2017
please contact us with any questions at

Race and Yoga
Mainstream narratives about yoga in the U.S. often describe how the practice promotes physical and spiritual wellbeing. But, yoga practitioners and scholars rarely question who has had access to the practice since its arrival in North America, and thereby its purportedly healing and liberatory properties. Relatedly, they fail to critically interrogate the representation of the prototypical yogi in contemporary America: upper and middle-class white persons, particularly white women.
Race and Yoga journal invites the submission of well-researched, clearly-written manuscripts.
Deadline for issue 2: March 15, 2017
For any questions or comments, please contact:

Special Issue on Transnationalism
Transnational identity may be seen to be richly constitutive of complex linkages that challenge and complicate certain fundamental binaries that characterize nation-states, such as assimilation and multiculturalism, citizens and immigrants, the indigenous and the foreign, to name a few obvious and compelling constructs. Indeed it would not be inaccurate to argue that transnationalism might be the new mode of being evolving out of the crucible of twenty first century challenges to twentieth century nations, national boundaries, and hyper-insular allegiances disguised as citizenship.  Transnationalism is the historical force designing the twenty first century.
To this end, for this special issue, we invite thoughtful critical essays, creative pieces, and photography or other visual art engaged with (but not limited to) the following topics, all of which invite contributors to explore the complex experience of transnationalism from a humanities perspective
Submissions Deadline: Friday, March 3, 2017. Please send submissions and queries about additional topics to Sharon Carson at

This is an initial call for abstracts for a special issue of Third World Thematics which will examine the gendered effects of the insecurities produced by contemporary hegemonic discourses and forms of security and securitisation. The special issue proposes to move the research agenda of feminist security studies beyond the war/peace; security/economy binaries, by focusing on the state of exception which is arguably the dominant paradigm in contemporary politics in both military and economic matters. For accepted abstracts, full articles of 6-8000 words in length to be submitted to the editors by 30 April 2017.
Contact Email:

Speculative Visions
For its twenty-seventh issue, InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture invites scholarly articles and creative works that address the complex and multiple meanings of speculative visions. For Issue 27, we would like contributors to consider a range of questions produced by both historical and contemporary science fiction, fantasy, and horror across all visual media. How are objects transcribed and/or adapted from one medium to another? How do the limitations and possibilities of a medium structure works? How have these genres endured over time beyond their originary forms? How have technological advances altered the literalization of these imagined worlds? We welcome papers and artworks that further the various understandings of speculative visions.
Creative works, reviews, and submissions to the journal’s blog are also welcome.
Please send completed papers (with references following the guidelines from the Chicago Manual of Style) of between 4,000 and 10,000 words to by March 1, 2017. Inquiries should be sent to the same address.

New Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature II
"This Special Issue plans to continue and develop the theme of “New Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature.” The first Special Issue on this topic brought together ten essays, ranging from texts examining this topic in Ancient Chinese thought to essays on Benjamin, Fanon, empire, metaphor, avant-garde poetry, and even The Hunger Games. Although it can be argued that the tension between philosophy and literature is intrinsically Western--pace Plato, who mentions the then already “old” quarrel between philosophy and poetry—it nonetheless provides a productive frame for questioning such fundamental terms as ”experience,” “reality,” “truth,” and their different articulations in diverse traditions..."
The manuscript delivery deadline is 1 November 2017.

Tropical Liminal: Urban Vampires
The vampire and other monstrous beings constitute some of the most famous myths that continue to haunt contemporary society. This special issue examines the presence of these beings within cities of the tropics and sub-tropics – from New Orleans in the deep south of America to Singapore in South East Asia – and examples from cities of the Caribbean, Latin America, African, the Pacific and tropical Asia.
Submissions close 1 February 2017
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Trans-Humanities -  Call for general submissions
Trans-Humanities is an academic journal envisioning a new horizon for the humanities. The journal is published by the Ewha Institute for the Humanities (EIH) which has pursued the Humanities Korea (HK) Project since 2007 with its agenda “Trans-Humanities: Reimagining and Reconstructing the Human Sciences.” Trans-Humanities aims to transcend the limits of the existing humanities studies as rigid disciplinary research and offer instead an arena for discussion to generate new humanities discourses that can respond to the age of trans-boundary culture by supporting researches with interdisciplinary, convergent, and practical implications.

The Contemporary
The Dandelion editors seek submissions on the theme of THE CONTEMPORARY for their forthcoming issue.
We seek submissions that address how the social, political and aesthetic dilemmas that characterize our present are made manifest in the twenty-first century’s cultural production. For instance, if the contemporary is the cultural logic of neoliberal capitalism made tangible, then how can its ‘common sense’ be registered, revised, or resisted? Is the contemporary experienced similarly across the globe, or are its pressure points, modes and sites of dissent different depending on their location? How might we pull on the emergency brake?
The journal invites submissions from postgraduate students and early career scholars that address the theme of the contemporary across the spectrum of Arts and Humanities research.
Please send all completed submissions to by 6th February 2017.

Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity
The collection of essays Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity focuses on the intersection of race, ethnicity, and cosmopolitanism as conceptualized in contemporary theory and race and ethnicity studies in the U.S. If the notions of race and ethnicity have been interrogated and discussed by numerous scholars, it is only recently that the critical gaze has been turned in the direction of cosmopolitanism. The book will investigate how contemporary scholars of ethnic and postcolonial studies theorize cosmopolitanism in the U.S. in an attempt to see it as a notion that could provide a platform for transcultural human communication and transnational human solidarity.
Please send complete papers to or by July 30, 2017.
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Contributions to Gender Studies Reader
I am seeking chapter proposals for an edited reader in social studies of gender marketed to upper-division students.
Proposals should include 1. a description of the topic of the chapter; 2. an outline of how the chapter will address the existing debates, pedagogical problems, and key concepts and standards of measurement of the topic; and 3. a comment on how the chapter would push or provoke conceptual constructs in the sociology of gender (e.g., two-sex system, inequality, cultural identities).
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Humanities and Religion
Our newspapers, televisions, and social media feeds are filled daily with stories that involve some aspect of religion and religious belief. Religious literacy, however, seems sorely lacking at a time when informed dialog is critical. This issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities invites papers that consider the role of religion and religious belief within the Humanities and the public sphere.          
Submissions might look at the role of religion and religious beliefs in constructing identities of gender and sexuality, in shaping public discourse around political issues, or in informing the creation of new mythologies in the gaming industry. Examinations of specific religions and their relationships to topics within the Humanities are also welcome. Submission and questions should be directed to Dr. Ann Horak

History and News in Hypermedia Space: Global Case Studies
This special issue of The Communication Review will address issues relating to hypermedia in the production of history and news in political conflict. Of particular interest is how digital media products and activities may be testing the boundaries—or exploiting the changes—in popular conceptions of “news” and “primary source” information. Contributing papers will address questions related to hypermedia in the production of news reports, historical narratives, and outcomes in domestic, national, and international conflict. Of particular interest is how hypermedia products and transactions may be testing the boundaries-- or exploiting the changes—in traditional standards of “news” and “primary" evidence.
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Photography and the Histories of Working Peoples and Laboring Lives
This issue of Radical History Review explores the potential of photography as a medium that enables new and radical approaches to historicizing the study of labor, laboring lives, and working peoples, locally, transnationally, and globally. It seeks to showcase methodologically generative research that builds upon the recent boom in theoretical work in the fields of visual cultural studies and photography, and how insights from these fields can be harnessed to reinvigorate historical studies of working lives and ordinary people.
Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2017
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2017 Northeast Popular/American Culture Conference
The Northeast Popular/American Culture Association (NEPCA) announces its first call for paper proposals for its annual conference. The 2017 conference will be held on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Amherst the weekend of October 27-28, 2017. NEPCA is soliciting proposals dealing with all aspects of popular culture and American culture, broadly construed. NEPCA conferences welcome graduate students, junior faculty, independent researchers, and senior faculty as equals. NEPCA prides itself on offering intimate and nurturing sessions in which new ideas and works-in-progress can be aired, as well as completed projects. NEPCA is dedicated to expanding intellectual horizons, open engagement, and constructive criticism.
The deadline for applications is June 1, 2017.
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Contemporary Approaches to Political Participation
For a sound and working democratic system, citizen engagement in politics is of utmost importance. Especially in today’s world where international politics are interrupted by populist political elites and authoritarian governments, civic engagement functions as an essential element of check and balance mechanism in the overall political system. As the opportunities for political participation increase, participation means and channels diversify every day.
In this context, political participation research in modern world is very promising in terms of understanding contemporary debates and key concepts of political participation. In order to contribute to the scholarship on political participation with up to date studies, Political Communication Institute will publish edited volume on the issue in 2017. The volume will be peer-reviewed and English in full. We welcome papers focusing on various aspects of the phenomenon of political participation and related subjects.
All abstracts must be submitted latest by March 10th, 2017 via email to Adinda Khaerani (

The Intimate State: Gender, Sexuality, and Governance in Modern U.S. History
We are soliciting original history essays—archive-based research on specific topics, as well as conceptual essays addressing more abstract questions—regarding gender, sexuality and the state for a new edited volume. We seek to bring twenty-five years of scholarship on gender, sexuality, and the family to bear on the history of modern state authority in the United States (1865 to the present). While the volume will reach back to the Reconstruction era and value this history as such, we also hope to point toward a usable past in an uncertain present. These collected essays will aim to demonstrate that the involvements of government authority in intimate life warrant greater historical analysis and theorization than they have generated to date.
Please send an abstract of no more than 750 words, including references to major sources for the research if archive-based, to Margot Canaday (, Nancy Cott (, and Robert Self ( by April 10, 2017, along with a one-page CV.

special edition 'Animal Intersections'
Animal Studies Journal is seeking submissions from scholars and creative practitioners for a special edition focusing on the themes of the forthcoming Australasian Animal Studies Association conference ‘Animal Intersections’ at the University of Adelaide 3-5 July, 2017:
The journal is interested in papers which address the fractures, tensions and layers of intersection across human-animal relations, and in particular for the lives of non-human animals. Papers might engage with the practices and methods associated with theories of intersectionality in order to enrich the study of non-human animal lives and their interface with human society.
Submissions are due no later than 31 July, 2017
For further information please contact either: Melissa Boyde: or Michael Griffiths:

Approaches to Teaching the Work of Edwidge Danticat
The goal of this book is to provide a pedagogical approach to teach Edwidge Danticat’s collection of works. The project has a twofold objective. First, it will explore diasporic categories and postcolonial themes such as gender constructs, cultural nationalism, cultural and communal identity, problems of location and (dis) location, religious otherness, and the interplay between history and memory. Secondly, the book will investigate Danticat’s human rights activism, the immigrant experience, the relationship between the particular and the universal, and the violence of hegemony and imperialism in relationship with society, family, and community. We envision this book to be interdisciplinary and used in undergraduate and graduate courses. We are particularly interested in the teaching of her major works.
If you would like to contribute a book chapter to this important project, along with a brief bio, please submit a 300 word abstract by Tuesday, January 31, 2017, to Celucien Joseph @, Suchismita Banerjee @, and Danny Hoey @
Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2017

CFP: Toxic Fan Practices
Contributions are welcome on a variety of topics that investigate the concept of toxic fan practices and methodological issues arising such as:
  *   Online methodologies/ netnographies of particular fan communities and social media platforms
  *   Specific case studies of toxic fan cultures (e.g. Star Trek fans’ responses to gay Sulu or Marvel fans’ reactions to female Thor)
  *   Criticism of toxic fans from within fandoms, intra-fandom conflicts (e.g. Game of Thrones fans condemning and celebrating scenes of rape)
  *   Widescale protests and boycotts on social media (such as #boycottstarwars or #buryyourgays)
  *   Criticisms of representations of race, gender, sexuality, etc., in fan cultures
Please send 300 word abstracts to both editors by March 1, 2017: Bridget Kies, and William Proctor,

The AHDA fellowship allows participants to come to spend the fall semester of the academic year at Columbia University in New York City. This comprehensive program provides fellows with the opportunity to hone practical skills in fundraising, advocacy and leadership; to develop a deeper understanding of and engagement with the past; and to foster mutually beneficial relationships with their peers and with international and non-profit organizations based in New York and Washington, D.C.
During the fellowship participants design a project that addresses some aspect of a history of gross human rights violations in their society, country and/or region. Projects can take a range of forms (films, publications, curricula, reports, meetings/proceedings), with the aim of implementing them when fellows return to their home communities.
Deadline: January 31st, 2017
For questions about the program, please email

Ina Dillard Russell Library Research Grants
Ina Dillard Russell Library, Georgia College (Milledgeville, GA) offers short-term Library Research Grants every year to scholars and students whose work would benefit from access to materials in Ina Dillard Russell Library’s Special Collections. Strengths of the collections include Milledgeville/Baldwin County history and culture, (local/regional) women’s history, Georgia College & State University history, the papers of the internationally renowned author Flannery O’Connor, Alice Walker, U. S. Representative Carl Vinson and U. S. Senator Paul Coverdell. For more information about Special Collections or the grant, please visit:
Deadline: February 17
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Friends of the Princeton University Library Research Grant Program
Each year, the Friends of the Princeton University Library offer short-term Library Research Grants to promote scholarly use of the research collections. These Library Research Grants, which have a value of up to $4,000 plus transportation costs, are meant to help defray expenses incurred in traveling to and residing in Princeton during the tenure of the grant. The length of the grant will depend on the applicant’s research proposal, but is ordinarily up to one month. Library Research Grants awarded in this academic year are tenable from May 2017 to April 2018, and the deadline for applications is January 31, 2017.
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Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowships
The Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program provides assistance to doctoral students who wish to use the research resources available in the University of Miami Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) in support of dissertation research. The goal of the Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowships is to engage emerging scholars with the materials available in the CHC and thus contribute to the larger body of scholarship in Cuban, American, Latin@, hemispheric, and international studies.
All application materials must be received by Wednesday, February 1, 2017
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Short-term Library Research Grants
Ina Dillard Russell Library offers short-term Library Research Grants every year to scholars and students whose work would benefit from access to materials in Ina Dillard Russell Library’s Special Collections. Strengths of the collections include Milledgeville/Baldwin County history and culture, (local/regional) women’s history, Georgia College & State University history, the papers of the internationally renowned author Flannery O’Connor, Alice Walker, U. S. Representative Carl Vinson and U. S. Senator Paul Coverdell. For more information about Special Collections, visit the main Special Collections page.
Grants are awarded to students and scholars pursuing significant research that requires on-site use of materials housed in Russell Library’s Special Collections. These grants, which have a value of up to $1500, are intended to provide support for travel and living expenses during the tenure of the grant. Library Research Grants awarded in March 2017 will require that research be conducted between April 2017 and May 2018.  Deadline for applications is Feb. 17.

Schlesinger Library Grants
The Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America invites applicants for a variety of research grants.
The library’s special collections document over two centuries of United States history, from abolition to transgender rights. Manuscripts, books, periodicals, audiovisual material, photographs, and other objects make up the collections. Applications will be evaluated on the significance of the research and the project’s potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge, along with its creativity in drawing on the library’s collections. The awards may be used to cover travel and living expenses, scanning, and other incidental research expenses, but not for the purchase of durable equipment or travel to other research sites.
Applications must be received by Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fellowships "Digital Humanities"
he German Literature Archive Marbach, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, and the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel collect, preserve, and provide access to more than 500 years of German and European cultural history. The three institutions are calling for applications for several fellowships in the field of Digital Humanities, ideally lasting six months (at least three). The programme is open to all disciplines and is directed towards young scholars (graduates at Master level) from Germany and abroad. Applicants must be working on a project linked to the interests and collections of at least one of the three institutions and make use of methods and techniques from the Digital Humanities (e.g. Markup Methods for Electronic Editions, Stylometry, Topic Modelling, Visualisation). Prior to the application it is recommended to contact the respective collection department for further information on the holdings of interest.
Application deadline: January 15 or July 15

Balch Institute fellowships
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania will award two one-month Balch Institute fellowships to enable research on topics related to the ethnic and immigrant experience in the United States and/or American cultural, social, political, or economic history post-1875. HSP will also award one Albert M. Greenfield fellowship for research in 20th-century history. The fellowships support one month of residency in Philadelphia during the 2017–2018 academic year. Past Balch fellows have done research on immigrant children, Italian American fascism, German Americans in the Civil War, Pan-Americanism, African American women’s political activism, and much more.
Deadline for receipt of applications is March 1, 2017,
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Trans-Asian Indigeneity/ Summer Institute
Penn State University invites applicants for its annual Asian Studies Summer Institute, to be held June 18-24, 2017.
We invite applications from the Humanities, Arts and Sciences—anthropology, environmental studies, history, political ecology, geography, art and literature—that examine “Indigeneity” as a protean concept and lived reality in Asia, Asian America, and Asian diasporic communities across the globe.  We are especially interested in attending to the concept’s travels between Asian and western settler societies, or those following the movement’s historical concurrence with the rise of neoliberal political economy and the onset of massive anthropogenic environmental change.
Deadline: March 17, 2017

Italian Diaspora Studies Summer Seminar
This three-week summer program at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende) is now in its third edition. The Seminar takes place June 12–30, 2017 and is designed to introduce participants (doctoral students and professors) to cultural studies of the Italian Diaspora from a variety of academic perspectives and to foster development of individual projects responding to the materials covered in the series of seminars in literature, film, and the social sciences. All participants will engage in a special research project.
Application Deadline: February 24, 2017
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Islam in Asia: Traditions and Transformations
This multidisciplinary NEH-supported summer institute will offer four weeks of context-rich and critical engagement with Islamic traditions, examining their origins and how they have shaped and been shaped by the cultures and societies of South and Southeast Asia. The first three weeks of the program will consider how Islam historically addressed both personal and social needs in ways that were inseparable from the dynamics of intellectual exchange, artistic production, social organization and politics. The final week will examine the complex interplay of Islam and globalization in the context of contemporary Asia. Participants will receive a stipend of $3300 to help defray costs.
Application deadline: March 1, 2017
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Knowledge in Flight: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Scholar Rescue in North America
Workshop at The New School for Social Research, New York City, December, 2017
The German Historical Institute, The Leo Baeck Institute and The New School for Social Research are organizing a workshop on the movement of scholars from perilous and intellectually-oppressive political situations to new environments that have allowed them to continue their work or even thrive in their chosen discipline. The purpose of the Knowledge in Flight Workshop is to understand the history and contemporary relevance of “scholar rescue”. The Workshop will explore the topic from a variety of perspectives, including historical, institutional, financial, geopolitical, and cultural. The Workshop will also consider a better understanding of the history of scholar rescue and shed light on today’s refugee crisis.
Please send a short abstract of no more than one page and a brief c.v. by February 1st, 2017, to Susanne Fabricius at

Women and Development in the Global South
Under a program supported by the Vera R. Campbell Foundation, SAR invites proposals for an Advanced Seminar that focuses on the circumstances of women in the developing world and offers paths to concrete, practical strategies for improving their health, prosperity, and general well-being. Several of the seminar participants must be women scholars or scholars/practitioners from the developing world since one of the goals of the seminar is to foster professional linkages and the sharing of relevant experiences. Proposals may address global problems or focus on specific regional questions. Above all, the participants should be committed to producing practical improvements in the lives of women and workable proposals likely to achieve that end. Seminars focused on broad policy issues will be judged according to whether practical implementation measures are included in the discussion.
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2017.
For questions, please call (505) 954-7201 or email: seminar[at]

Black Activist New York
The Columbia University Institute for Research in African-American Studies (IRAAS) is now accepting applications for its 2017 Summer Teachers and Scholars Institute (STSI). Convening for one week between Monday July 10  and Friday July 14, 2017. This year’s lecturers and presenters will include Samuel K. Roberts (STSI Director),Zaheer Ali, Afua Atta-Mensah, Dante Barry, Ansley Erickson, Crystal Feimster, Steven Fullwood, Rujeko Hockley, and Minkah Mikalani.
The fee for the STSI is $1,800 and a limited number of partial fellowships are available.
Deadline: April 2
Please go to for more information or contact us at
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Berlin Program Summer Workshop
Contention over moments of ‘continuity’ and ‘rupture’ have fundamentally shaped scholarly debates not only in German Studies but also in a range of other national historiographies and fields of inquiry. Establishing narratives of developments have made these concepts indispensable to scholarly analysis. In history, for example, both terms have proven essential given the need for periodization. At the same time, they have also often proved problematic in capturing both complex interactions of ‘strands’ of continuity and rupture and processes of more evolutionary change. This workshop seeks to advance critical reflection on these concepts, their usefulness and potential limits as narrative devices in a broad array of disciplines that intersect with German Studies, including Anthropology, Art History, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology.
Please submit a 250-word abstract and a two-page CV by February 15, 2017 to
Contact Email:

Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives
The Bucerius Young Scholars Forum is a new annual program designed to bring together a small transatlantic group of ten junior scholars from Germany, Europe and North America to explore new research and questions in the history of migration with a particular focus on questions arising from interlacing the perspectives of migration and knowledge, as these are extremely thorough and open to current debates. The forum is connected to the Annual Bucerius Lecture on “Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives”, given and commented on by two prominent figures in the field of migration studies. Planing with precirculated papers, in the course of two days, the participants will give short presentations  of their individual research projects and - together with their mentors and peers - engage in discussions on the state of the research field.
While the focus of the forum will be on historic discourses, we also want to encourage young scholars working in the fields of social sciences, political sciences, anthropology, migration and area studies to apply. The workshop language will be English. The organizers will cover basic expenses for travel and accommodation. Please send short proposals (750 words max.) and a one-page CV to Dr. Sarah Beringer ( by February 15, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by late April 2017.

"What Justice Wants!" Critical Ethnic Studies Journal Special issue (2.2) is available!
In this issue by new editors Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, authors reveal salient points of convergence and divergence across different traditions of conceptualizing justice and social change.

HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory)
All content on HASTAC is organized into six main topics, each with its own set of subtopics: Humanities, Arts, & Media; Teaching & Learning Practices; Technology, Networks, & Sciences; Educational & Cultural Institutions; Publishing & Archives; Social & Political Issues. This Explore page allow you to browse this content or sort it topically.