Thursday, November 17, 2022

Calls for Papers, Funding Opportunities, and Resources, November 17, 2022



Affect, Comparison, Power Workshop

The workshop will be held virtually on March 18, 2023.

We are writing to share the CFP for a workshop on critical approaches to affect theory entitled Affect, Comparison, and Power. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Study of the Global South at Northwestern-Qatar and the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication, Center on Digital Culture and Society, Department of Religious Studies, Center for Africana Studies, Middle East Center, and South Asia Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and organized by Heather Jaber (NU-Q) and Max Johnson Dugan (UPenn). The workshop will gather scholars working in post/de/anticolonial studies, critical Black studies, queer theory, and other critical fields to push affect theory to its emergent future.

The abstract submission form can be found here: The deadline to submit is December 2, 2022.


Hiphop and Queer/Trans Black Feminisms

OSU Hiphop Literacies Conference (OSU HHLC) is both an academic and public facing community convening that provides a space relevant to lives of Hiphop generation youth and their communities, in relation to cultural development, education, and overall well-being. Black women, queer and/trans people across genders and sexualities following in the footsteps of earlier Black feminists of the Combahee River Collective brought to the fore that Black people as a group are queered and non-normative, namely, through racialization of their gender, sexuality, and class by subtle and explicit institutionalized violent social practices. Presentations and performances should highlight the Hiphop arts and Black queer and trans feminist influence in education, cinema, television, fashion, literature, digital technology, activism, Black popular culture, politics, criminal justice, issues of bodily autonomy, health care, reproductive justice and more.

Send abstracts for papers and other formats to by January 15, 2023.


2023 Cultural Studies Association (CSA) Annual Conference: Conclusions

From the fall of nations to global health crises, those in power have long claimed the right to define or declare conclusions: the end of history, of race, of truth, of colonialism, of slavery, of stagnation, of democracy, of an epoch, of the world. Critical scholars and marginalized communities from around the globe, in turn, have prudently treated the purpose of declared conclusions with warranted suspicion – are they meant to warn, to assuage, to control, to prevent other “ends” or endings? As with past conferences, we welcome proposals from all disciplines and topics relevant to cultural studies. Our goal this year is to again hold all sessions in a fully hybrid format, as we did in our very successful 2021 Conference.

January 7, 2023: Final Deadline for Submissions

If you have any questions, please address them to Michelle Fehsenfeld at:


Towards a materialist theory of the monument

Monuments are objects of study in terms of their conservation and restoration; they are planned and installed by the state, companies, and institutions; they are destroyed by social movements and in war contexts; they are the object of community mobilisations and self-managed construction under popular subscription. Our aim is to confront this vision of the monument by adopting a materialist viewpoint. We propose to analyse the purpose of the monument, its historicity, its determining factors, and the social relations it incorporates. What does it mean to erect, conserve, pay homage to, dismantle, deconstruct, or demolish monuments. We propose a reading of the monument as a significant gesture within the framework of social struggles, thereby breaking with the subjectivist reading of the memory. We are committed to examining the historical consciousness expressed in the way of producing and relating to the monument.

Proposals will be accepted until 31 January 2023.

Proposals should be sent to:


Rhetoric and Religion as Resources for Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Conference

The University of Memphis, October 19-21, 2023

We invite scholars to submit individual or coauthored paper and panel proposals focusing on any project related to rhetoric and religion, but we are especially interested in work that helps us imagine the resources that can be cultivated from the study of religious rhetorics, whether those resources are pedagogical, philosophical, homiletic, activist-focused, or something else. Importantly, we also want to make space for work that is anti-religious, non-religious, or takes a critical perspective on religious rhetoric. We wish to cultivate an interdisciplinary space that welcomes believers, skeptics, atheists, activists, scholars, and religious leaders. We especially hope scholars doing work on non-Western religious traditions will consider submitting a proposal.

Please submit proposals via this submission link by March 15, 2023.

Inquires can be sent to Dr. Will Duffy and Dr. Andre E. Johnson at


Struggle and/as Transformation

April 20-21, 2023, Marquette University

Struggle is central to the work of knowledge production and learning done at the university. In order to promote socially-engaged research and critical and creative work, there must be recognition of and reflection on the erasure and silencing of forms of knowing and being often excluded from our classrooms and our writing. This conference grew out of this very imperative– a deep need for decolonial work in response to the historic erasure and cultural genocide of colonized peoples in the United States and throughout the world. We invite you to engage with the theme of struggle and transformation broadly, working through collective or personal struggles in ways that are critical or creative, analytical or expressive.

Please send a 250-word abstract or description of your project by February 1st, 2023 to:


"Where are our women artists?: Linda Nochlin’s Question in the Age of Feminist Visual Culture" Graduate Student Conference

April 14-15, 2023, Rice University, Houston, TX

Published in the January 1971 special issue of ARTnews, Linda Nochlin’s essay “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” opened the way for a feminist methodology into the discipline of art history. Following up on Nochlin’s question 51 years later, this conference seeks to generate conversations on feminist methodologies and interrogate feminist art history anew to consider the resonance of Nochlin’s question and career today. We encourage submissions which expand upon and revisit Linda Nochlin’s essay now in relation to queer and BIPOC artists, across feminist and art historical methodologies, embracing both historical and contemporary practices. As such, we welcome submissions working with visual and material culture across all time periods, regions, cultures, and mediums, as well as those approaching from a women, gender, and sexuality theory, method, and/or praxis.

CFP Deadline: December 16, 2022



Indigenous Peoples & Pandemics Conference

15-16 May 2023, at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) will bring together interdisciplinary researchers to foster conversations that integrate medical, epidemiological and social perspectives in order to increase understanding of Indigenous experiences when faced with pandemic diseases and better appreciate the diversity of pandemic consequences faced by Indigenous vs. non-Indigenous peoples. As part of this project, a conference will be held 15-16 May 2023, at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo. Attendance is limited to 100 participants due to space capacity at the Academy. There will also be a pre-conference workshop on 13 May for Indigenous researchers with an interest in pandemics (limited to 30 participants).

Submit a 250-300 word abstract by 1 December 2022 to


The United States in the Anthropocene

University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, 8-9 June 2023

USAbroad invites submissions for a two-day workshop and its 2024 issue. Authors of the selected abstracts will participate in the workshop and have their articles automatically considered for the 2024 issue of the journal. To favor the event’s attendance, all the selected participants will receive a travel and accommodation grant. More details on the logistics of the event, submission deadlines and grants can be found at  

The 2024 issue of USAbroad will be dedicated to the study of the complex relationship between the United States and the global environment. The aim will be to look at American history and politics through an environmental lens and reframe Washington's upward trajectory as a world power in the context of the Anthropocene. This means examining how US actions have induced environmental change and, equally important, how the landscape’s natural features and raw materials, in general, have influenced, if not determined, Americans’ choices at the local, national, and international levels. 

Proposals must be sent by December 11, 2022, at


Digital Humanities Winter School Tran(s)missions

10-15 January 2023, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre

The "digital revolution" forces us both to rethink the correspondences between art and science and to reconsider the role of technologies in literature. The Winter School Tran(s)missions: how multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research in the field of Italian and Visual Culture Studies explores the meaning of interdisciplinarity and multimediality using a synergistic approach that combines different methodologies coming from the field of Italian Studies, Digital Humanities, studies on digital cultures and research methods focused on the materiality of the object. Through the application in a laboratory form of the devices used in Digital Humanities, the Winter School stimulates innovative interdisciplinary thinking, and provides participants with the tools suitable for the identification of relationships that affect the multimediality from the textual, visual and spatial point of view, and how it is presented in different media, forms and literary sources in the early modern and contemporary world.

The application deadline is December 10, 2022

Winter School organinzing committee - email address:


Societies in Crisis: Reactions, Resilience, and Resolutions, Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference

The History, Classics, and Religion Graduate Students’Associations (HCRGSA) of the University of Alberta invites graduate students to submit papers on the topic “Societies in Crisis: Reactions, Resilience, and Resolution.” The conference will take place March 2-4, 2023, in Edmonton, Alberta. We will have a virtual option, but we encourage everyone who is able to attend in person to do so. We are excited to offer travel awards (up to $250) and a best abstract award of $100.

The topic of crisis has been and will continue to be an essential research subject. In this context, we invite applicants to discuss societies in crisis related to their respective fields of study; Why do societies face crises? What crisis defined a region for generations? How did an area recover from a disaster?

Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short biography by December 15th

Contact Email:


Between Conflict and Connection

The theme for this year's conference is "Between Conflict and Connection." This conference seeks scholarly discussion on the significance of historical interactions, both peaceful and violent, and the ways in which these developments continue to impact our present time. In selecting this theme, the conference focuses on histories of struggle, compromise, and identity. Exploring the ways in which historical interactions of people and events generated both division and interrelation continues to shed valuable light on the nature of communal, national, and transnational relations. We welcome papers that examine how conflict has torn some nations and peoples apart, while bringing others together. Scholars whose research highlights nonviolent conflict, such as political strife, trade wars, embargoes, and more are encouraged to apply as well.


The Animal Turn

February 25, 2023, Wilson College’s M.A. in Humanities Program

Some questions that this conference seeks to explore include: how do we think about, question, and reposition the relationship of humans to animals in our scholarship, and what are the consequences of such a revision? Is there an "Animal Turn" of scholarship, and if so, why is it happening now? How is it that our relationship to non-human animals defines who we are as humans, and as a result how we define the Humanities? How do our ideas of animals influence how we treat other humans in terms of race or gender? What are meaningful examples of animal agency, and what new approaches and challenges do these create for cultural work? If speech is what, ostensibly, divides humans from other animals, why is there such a rich tradition of stories featuring animal narrators, and what does animal narration mean? How can non-human animals, and their concerns, find voice?


Abstracts are due by Monday January 16, 2023.


Digital Humanities Workshop:A guide to Social Network Analysis

1,8,15 December 2022

This workshop series addresses humanists and social sciences students or researchers interested in acquiring or deepening knowledge on Social Network Analyses.  At the end of the course graduates will be able to structure and overview a dataset according to social network analysis rules, to visualise it in an optimal manner and to draw valid scientific conclusions. The sessions will imply individual exercises, team exercises, as well as discussions and individual and group feedback. Given the nature of the course, we will unavoidably use Open Educational Resources (OER) and a blended learning system.

Contact Email:


Beyond the Culture II: Black Popular Culture and Social Justice

In 2023, celebrate with the Department of Africana Studies at Georgia State University as we discuss the role of Black popular culture in the fight for social justice at the 2nd biennial Beyond the Culture: Black Popular Culture and Social Justice conference at Georgia State University. The conference will be held in Atlanta on February 8-10, 2023.

For inquiries about the conference, contact the Department of African American Studies at 404-413-5135 and/or email


20th Annual Religion Graduate Student Symposium

February 17 & 18, 2023, Tallahassee, Florida

This year’s symposium will center on the theme: “Sensational Religion” This is our first in-person symposium since the beginning of the Sars-Cov2 global pandemic and we invite scholars to present papers addressing sensory aspects of the "new normal" for the study of religion. Previous symposia have featured scholars from a wide array of disciplines, universities, and areas. We invite papers from fields as varied as History, Anthropology, Political Science, Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Classics.

deadline: December 1, 2022

Please submit proposals via this provided link:


Museum of Motherhood Yearly Conference CFP

St. Petersburg, Florida & Online, March 24-26, 2023

Calling all scholars, sociologists, maternal psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists, women’s, sexuality, and gender professors, masculinity studies experts, birth-workers, doctors, motherhood and fatherhood researchers, artists, students, and performers: This conference call is for papers, performances, conversations, and art, focused on new gender identities and discourse. Included in this call is an invitation to explore political policy positions relative to Roe vs. Wade, psychological manifestations of maternal neonaticide, infanticide, and filicide, as well as the naming and rewriting of works, art, and scholarship around mothers, mothering, and motherhood.

Abstracts must be submitted by Nov 30




Pedagogy: Using television shows, games, and other media in the Classroom

Vernon Press invites book chapters for a forthcoming edited volume on the subject of “Pedagogy: Using television shows, games, and other media in the Classroom.” As teachers, we often look for creative ways to keep students engaged in our classrooms, while not compromising on teaching the skills that students need to learn. Television shows, games, podcasts, etc. can all be good ways to engage students and help them to connect with the material. Adding non-traditional media to a classroom can also help to engage students at different levels of understanding and with different abilities in ways that traditional readings and lectures might not work.

If you are interested in contributing to the edited volume, please submit your proposal (500-700 words), and biography (100 words) by December 1, 2022 to the book editor, Laura Dumin (


Untranslatability, Linguistic Multitudes, Embodied Speech

InterAlia: A Journal of Queer Studies

There is no language beyond embodiment. However, the question of how language and body belong together is open, open-ended, and controversial. This includes the dimension of technology, which might or might not be seen as an inherent part of embodiment: No_body without technology, though also no technology that doesn’t form a body. Organic, inorganic, digital, virtual, mental, psychic, affective, imaginary embodiments of language. How do these influence understandings of media, mediality, and mediatedness? We invite activists, artists, thinkers, and any combination thereof, to contribute works that explore ideas of language(s) as these are employed by sexual and gender minorities.

Please submit your abstracts by Nov 30, 2022


Antke Engel ( and Anna T. (


Trans & Two-Spirit Histories

In response to the growing demand for this research, and to provide opportunities for emerging scholars, the University of Victoria’s graduate-student journal Graduate History Review is proud to announce a special volume, “Trans & Two-Spirit Histories.” Our framing of “trans” and “Two-Spirit” is as broad and generous as possible, open to various forms of gendered and sexual embodiment throughout time, space, and language, but with the latter term a specifically Indigenous one.

For more information contact

Starting now, we are accepting submissions on a rolling basis through April 10th, 2023


On Mothering and Black Magic Special Issue

We are seeking to put together a special issue including papers and reflections on literatures of the African diaspora that respond to Gumbs’ demand that we redefine ‘mothering’ as ‘a technology of transformation’ and that engage with mothering beyond womanhood, biology and biological processes. We invite contributors to consider Black mothering in and across the African diaspora – birthing, parenting, midwifery, and other acts – as a type of magic, and magic as a technology of survival. We ask that contributors put forth visions of the generative ways that mothering has sustained, does sustain and could/will sustain us in the face of enslavement, (neo)colonialism and white supremacy; how survival, for those who were not supposed to survive, is a magical, subversive act and process.

To submit a abstract, please send an email with the subject ‘On Mothering and Black Magic abstract’ to and by 1 December 2022.


Trans & Two-Spirit Histories

 In response to the growing demand for this research, and to provide opportunities for emerging scholars, the University of Victoria’s graduate-student journal Graduate History Review is proud to announce a special volume, “Trans & Two-Spirit Histories.” This instalment will be written, edited, and published by trans and Two-Spirit graduate students or recent graduates. Starting now, we are accepting submissions on a rolling basis through April 10th, 2023. Once final decisions are made by May 1st, selected authors will revise and copy-edit throughout the summer, in anticipation of publication and launch in September.

We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis through April 10th, 2023.




This special issue of Women’s Studies Quarterly invites reflection on the status, health, precarity, and promise of the discipline of women’s, gender, sexuality, and feminist studies in light of our current state of pandemonium. We seek submissions from a diverse group of feminist-studies scholars, researchers, teachers, administrators, practitioners, intellectuals, artists, advocates, and leaders, drawing on their research as well as personal experiences, that reveal and analyze the effects of a kaleidoscopic set of conflicts, crises, and pressures affecting their lives, scholarship, work, teaching, careers, institutions, and political organizing, particularly those that are a sign of or hold consequences for the health and survival of the discipline of feminist studies as a whole.

Priority Deadline: March 1, 2023

For questions, please email the guest issue editors at


Perspectives on Punishment and Decarceration: (The Need for) Recipes

Penal punishment is a serious political and social challenge. Scotland currently leads the statistics for incarceration per 100,000 population in Western Europe at 134.9, with England and Wales close behind at 131.5. In the United States, almost two million people are currently incarcerated or detained, and another six million are affected by the criminal justice system through parole and courts, the incarceration of family members and friends or through the depopulation of neighbourhoods. Therefore, we invite contributions on punishment and decarceration in the Anglophone world from a range of perspectives. We especially invite voices from those affected and/or involved in the penal system as this issue aims to reach beyond the academic borders, thus enriching scholarly work.

Please send a 200-word abstract and a short bio note to and by 30 November 2022.


Call for Book Reviewers: Journal of Popular Culture

The Journal of Popular Culture is looking for those who are interested in reviewing books. These reviews would be due on January 3, 2023.  If you have a completed Master's degree or higher, one of these books is in your field of study, and you are interested in writing a review for us, please contact me at, noting your preferred title and your mailing address. Please also send a short explanation to state what makes you a good reviewer of the book (or you may send me your CV). The reviews need to be between 500 and 1,000 words and documented in MLA style.



Inner Landscapes.Potential Spaces, Split Open, Spilling Out.

For our new issue of Passage, we want journeys that stretch from the specificity of tangible reality to one’s own, inner imaginary place; passing by personal experience, one’s own and others’ - plus art, history, literature, philosophy and more. We want to read about these inner landscapes - urban and rural and beyond - composed through both accident and study; gathering all sorts of stories and beings in intimate and particular topographies. We want complexity and relations and routes. We are looking for ways out, possible lines of flights, smuggling roads.

proposal deadline: 15th Dec 2022




English Essay Prize

The editors of English: the Journal of the English Association are pleased to invite submissions to the journal’s annual essay competition exclusive to postgraduates. The competition provides an ideal opportunity for students to enhance their CV through the publication of their work in an excellent high-profile journal that caters to a very wide range of genres, periods, and critical approaches. We are looking for essays that provide new perspectives on canonical and/or non-canonical Anglophone literatures, and therefore welcome submissions that focus on single authors/texts or a range, and which develop original arguments beyond simple close reading, while engaging with recent scholarship in relevant fields.

Submission deadline: 1 December 2022

Contact Email:

Girlhood and Sexuality at Intersections of Performance, Relations, and Representations

While girlhood varies across time and place, living amid multiple axes of power means that the world is often a complicated place for girls and young women as they navigate their gender identities, roles, and performances. We invite short-form original research articles (1,200 words max, excluding references) that address the issue’s theme. NEOS also welcomes short pieces (1,200 words max, excluding references) on scholarship and applied research that uplifts racial, economic, and social justice and the dismantling of systemic oppression, for a dedicated standing column on anti-racism and equity in child and youth studies.

The deadline for submissions is February 16, 2023

The NEOS Editorial Team may be reached at




Allan Bérubé Research Stipend

The new Allan Bérubé Research Stipend honors the legacy of Allan Bérubé (1946–2007), a queer historian and founding member of the GLBT Historical Society. Applications are welcome from anyone working on topics in LGBTQ history who is interested in consulting the archives of the GLBT Historical Society. information and a link to the online application form (due Jan. 6, 2023), see


Ann Ball Bodley Fellowship in Women’s History

This fellowship encourages researchers to come to Oxford and use Bodleian Libraries collections to advance their scholarship in women’s history, of any geographical area and historical period. Fellows will normally be invited during one University of Oxford term. The Fellowship is for a maximum of 2.5 months

Deadline: Friday 2 December 2022, 5pm GMT

Contact Email:


Research Fellowships at the Massachusetts Historical Society, 2023-2024

The Massachusetts Historical Society will offer dozens of research fellowships for the 2023-2024 academic year, ranging from short-term support to long-term residency. The MHS collections primarily consist of manuscripts, as well as books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers, graphics, photographs, works of art, and historical artifacts.

Questions? See our FAQ or e-mail

Deadlines for the various fellowships are in February and March 2023


Schlesinger Library Grants

The Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America invites applicants for a variety of research grants. The library’s special collections document over two centuries of United States history, from abolition to transgender rights. Manuscripts, books, periodicals, audiovisual material, photographs, and other objects make up the collections. These materials illuminate the lives of ordinary women as well as American icons such as suffragist Alice Paul, Harlem renaissance writer Dorothy West, civil rights activist Pauli Murray, feminist Betty Friedan, the Republican Party activist Anna Chennault, poet June Jordan, chef Zarela Martinez, and zine author Cindy Crabb, among many more. Complete grant information and access to the application portal is available here:

Deadline: January 29, 2023

Questions? Contact


University of Illinois Library Research Travel Grant

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library and the Department of History are pleased to announce a Research Travel Grant to support scholars conducting research in any of the Library’s collections. The University Library is one of the largest research libraries in the U.S., holding more than 14 million volumes and 24 million other items and materials in all formats, languages, and subjects.

The next deadline (for travel in Spring 2023) is *December 5, 2022.*

For questions, and to apply, please contact


Graduate Research Fellowships at the Center for Jewish History

The Center for Jewish History offers ten-month fellowships to doctoral candidates to support original research using the collections of the Center’s Partners - American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Preference is given to those candidates who draw on the archival and library resources of more than one Partner institution.


All application materials must be received by February 3, 2023 for consideration.

Hagley Library Oral History Grants

The Oral History Office of the Hagley Library invites applications for oral history project support. Graduate students conducting research for their thesis or dissertation, and more advanced scholars for books or other scholarly projects may apply for this grant. Our objective is to expand our oral history collections on business and its relationship to society by supporting serious research that uses oral history as a principal source, and to encourage use of oral interviews more generally.

Applicants are encouraged to reach out to Hagley Oral History Program Manager Ben Spohn, (302) 658-2400

Deadline: December 1 and June 1


Princeton University Library Special Collections Research Grants Program

This program offers researchers from around the world access to Princeton University Library’s (PUL) unique and rare collections. Researchers can now receive up to $4,800 plus travel expenses. The length of the grant will depend on the applicant’s research proposal, but is ordinarily between two and four weeks.

The deadline to submit completed applications is Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at noon (Eastern Standard Time).

Questions can be directed to  


Wolfsonian-FIU Fellowship program

The Wolfsonian–Florida International University is a museum and research center that promotes the examination of modern visual and material culture. The focus of the Wolfsonian collection is on North American and European decorative arts, propaganda, architecture, and industrial and graphic design from the period 1850-1950. The United States, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are the countries most extensively represented. The program is open to holders of master’s or doctoral degrees, Ph.D. candidates, and to others who have a significant record of professional achievement in relevant fields.

The application deadline is December 31



Research Fellowships

The James W. Scott Regional Research Fellowships promote awareness and innovative use of archival collections at Western Washington University (WWU), and seek to forward scholarly understandings of the Pacific Northwest. Fellowship funds are awarded in honor of the late Dr. James W. Scott, a founder and first Director of the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, and a noted scholar of the Pacific Northwest region. Up to $1000 funding is offered to support significant research using archival holdings at WWU’s Center for Pacific Northwest Studies (CPNWS), a unit of Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections.

Applications are due by January 31, 2023



LGBTQ+ History in American West and Southwest Essay Competition

The Department of History at the University of Texas at Arlington, as part of the 57th Annual Walter Prescott Webb Lecture Series, invites original, article-length essays (10,000 words including footnotes) on a topic related to the history of LGBTQ+ movements or the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and/or queer individuals and communities in modern American West or Southwest. We are interested in a diverse set of topics, including the ways in which the dynamics of western, southwestern, and/or borderlands contexts shaped LGTBQ+ activism, affected the role of race and class in LGBTQ+ politics, influenced social and cultural developments within the queer community, created differing impacts or types of resistance to institutional and systemic barriers to lesbian, gay and trans* rights, and formed responses to the AIDS crisis.

Deadline for submission is March 20, 2023.

Please submit your essay to Webb Lectures Coordinator Julie Hazzard at:



Special Collections Research Fellowships

The University of Michigan Library invites applications for fellowships for research in residence. Three fellowships are available to researchers whose work would benefit from onsite access to our special collections.

Applications are due by Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Questions? Contact Julie Herrada at


2023 Autry Research Fellowship

Applications for the 2023 Autry Research Fellowships are now being accepted. Research Fellows must be U.S. citizens and one month in residence during June, July, August, or September 2023. Applications are due Monday, January 30, 2023. For more information about the Autry fellowships, please visit

Contact Email:




The Cultural Constructions of Race and Racism Research Collective

The Cultural Constructions of Race and Racism Research Collective (CcRrrC) will host a trans-regional network of media makers, scholars, and activists working to help their communities identify and dismantle colorism and anti-Black racism. The project turns to local and regional media and popular culture as both archive and tool—an archive in which to trace culturally specific histories of representation; and a tool with which to raise awareness, mobilize, and inform.

With the support of the SSRC, we are excited to recruit paid positions to develop this work. Lateral seeks to engage more than a dozen editors, authors, archivists and other content-related contributions in short-term paid contracts, and up to three short-term paid interns. The bulk of the work is expected to take place between December 2022 and September 2023.

Email for inquiries related to open positions or potential partnerships/collaborations.

Expressions of interest will be accepted via the submission form through December 2, 2022.


Assistant Professor of Instruction

The Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies (HCS) at the University of South Florida, Tampa campus seeks to fill a Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Earning, Permanent position for Assistant Professor of Instruction. Expected start date is August 7, 2023. This is a 9-month instructional position with a 4/4 load. The Assistant Professor of Instruction will regularly teach HUM 1020: Introduction to Humanities, a course focused on contextualized, close-readings of a variety of expressive media such as film, digital media, visual art, music, and literature.

The deadline for receipt of all application materials is January 16, 2023.


Postdoctoral Fellowship - Sexuality Studies

The Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto invites applications for a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship during the 2023-24 academic year, with the possibility of an additional one-year renewal, to support emerging scholars pursuing research in queer, trans, and LGBTQ2+ studies. Our search committee welcomes proposals that span disciplinary boundaries. Applicants from all fields of the humanities and the social sciences are encouraged to apply.

All application materials should be submitted via email to:


Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Assistant Professor)


Teach a variety of courses in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). Teaching assignments typically consist of four courses per semester (24 credits/year), with a mix of upper- and lower-level undergraduate courses.

Preferred areas of research specialization for this candidate include transgender studies, transnational feminisms, disability justice, sex work studies, health and reproductive justice, labor studies, institutional/structural violence, environmental justice, digital/media cultures, social movements, and policy/advocacy studies

Application Deadline: Review begins 11/14/2022


Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Assistant Professor

The Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (GSWS) at Simon Fraser University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in Global Indigeneity at the rank of Assistant Professor commencing July 15, 2023. The ideal candidate will have research expertise in scholarship on gender and/or sexuality as they relate to Indigenous issues in a global, transregional, or diasporic framework and research training grounded in Indigenous epistemologies and/or theories and methodologies from Indigenous Studies

Applications should be addressed to Dr. Helen Leung, Department Chair, and submitted electronically to


Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship

Kenyon College, a highly selective, nationally ranked liberal arts college in central Ohio, invites applications for the Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship beginning in July 2023.  The program is for scholars in the final stages of their doctoral work who need only to finish the dissertation to complete requirements for the Ph.D. We hope the experience of teaching, researching, and living for a year at Kenyon will encourage these Fellows to consider a liberal arts college as a place to begin their careers as teachers and scholars.

Review of applications will begin January 7, 2023.


Professor tenure-stream faculty position in Black Feminisms, Genders, and Sexualities Studies

The Department of African American and African Studie

s (AAAS) invites applications for an assistant professor tenure-stream faculty position in Black Feminisms, Genders, and Sexualities Studies (9-month appointment) in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University. As a department our areas of specialization include Black Feminisms, Genders, and Sexualities Studies in all aspects of curriculum. Within the AAAS major, the curriculum is shaped by three concentrations: Communities in Action; Creative Expression, Culture, and Performance; and Black Institutions, Sustainability, and Statecraft.

For more information on this position, please contact the search committee chair: Dr. Terah Venzant Chambers at

Review of Applications Begins On 11/15/2022


University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, Honors College

The University of Alabama Honors College invites applications for a full-time faculty positions at the rank of assistant professor to begin in August, 2023. This is a 9-month, non-tenure earning, three-year renewable position, with renewal contingent on performance, need, and funding. Successful candidate will be expected to teach honors classes, including seminar classes, and engage in service/academic citizenship appropriate to the scholarship of honors education.


Call for H-Histsex Review Editor

Are you interested in becoming a review editor for H-Histsex? H-Histsex focuses on the history of sexuality. Review editors oversee the book reviews programs for specific networks. Review editors keep up on the literature in their field, order books through our reviews management system, assign reviewers, and shepherd reviews through the editorial process, working with the reviewer and H-Net’s copyeditors. Interested review editors can send questions or a brief email expressing interest along with their CV to and Emily Elliott, Managing Editor for H-Net Reviews (


Greater Denton Arts Council Education Coordinator

The Education Coordinator collaborates closely with the Executive Director to develop and implement the art education and public programs for a variety of audiences, children, youth, and adults. Under the supervision of the Executive Director, develops, coordinates, and promote education efforts and public programs including classes, workshops, student programs, family events, concerts, films, and other educational activities.

email for more information


Assistant Professor of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at The Cooper Union invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Advanced Assistant Professor of Humanities to begin in August 2023.Applicants should demonstrate a record of scholarship and plans for future work as well as evidence of undergraduate teaching excellence. While Cooper Union does not offer degrees in HSS, the humanities and social sciences are foundational to the education of the students in the College’s three professional Schools of Art, Architecture, and Engineering. The ideal candidate will have a vigorous research agenda and a genuine desire to teach both electives and a core of introductory courses to non-majors.

Review of applications will begin December 1st, 2022


Stipended Research Internship, Local or Remote (Spring 2023): Old North Illuminated, Boston

Are you curious to learn more about the experiences of Black and Indigenous peoples and immigrant communities in twentieth-century Boston, Massachusetts? Are you interested in what the history of one of America’s best-known religious institutions reveals about the struggle for justice in the United States?  As a research intern during the Spring semester (February-May 2023), you will conduct research in person here in Boston or virtually from wherever you live. The research intern will use primary source materials to learn more about people of color’s lives at the Old North Church and in Boston’s North End neighborhood from 1900 onward.

Send your cover letter and resume to Ms. Catherine Matthews, Director of Education, at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 


Spring 2023 Invisible Histories Project Graduate Internship Opportunities

The Invisible Histories Project (IHP) locates, collects, preserves, researches and creates educational events around LGBTQ history in the Deep South. IHP is actively collecting in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and the Florida panhandle. IHP offers semester based internships for graduate students to earn course credit or practicum experience.

To inquire about an internship, please complete the following form: Form must be submitted by December 5, 2022.


Questions? Email

Director, School of Culture, Gender & Social Justice

The University of Wyoming invites applications/nominations for the position of Director of the School of Culture, Gender, and Social Justice (SCGSJ). Qualifications and Duties: A terminal degree in one’s field (e.g., Ph.D., J.D. or MFA). The ability to teach core courses within one or more of the SCGSJ’s constituent programs: African American and Diaspora Studies, American Studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, Latina/o Studies, and Native American and Indigenous Studies.

To be assured of full consideration, candidates should submit materials by

December 31, 2022.


Assistant Professor, Women's and Gender Studies

Mount Royal University

The successful candidate will be a teacher-scholar broadly trained in gender, women’s, sexuality, and/or feminist studies with expertise in field(s) that complement but do not duplicate those already represented. Fields of specialty are open, and the position will remain open until filled. We especially invite candidates who will strengthen our program’s commitment to social justice, anti-racist scholarship, and feminist technoculture, science, and/or health studies.

First consideration will be given to complete applications submitted by January 13, 2023.


African & African Diaspora Studies Program, 2023/2024 AADS Dissertation Fellowship

Boston College’s African & African Diaspora Studies Program (AADS) announces its dissertation fellowship competition.  Scholars working in any discipline in the Social Sciences or Humanities, with projects focusing on any topic within African and/or African Diaspora Studies, are eligible to apply.  We seek applicants pursuing innovative, preferably interdisciplinary, projects in dialogue with critical issues and trends within the field.

Submit all application materials – including letters of recommendation – by Tuesday, 10 January 2023


Two-Year Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry of Emory University is accepting applications for one Postdoctoral Fellowship that is for two academic years of study, teaching, and academic residence in the Center.  This fellowship offers research opportunities to those trained in the humanities as traditionally defined and to others seriously interested in humanistic issues; research projects must be humanistic, but fellows may hold the Ph.D. in any discipline.  We especially seek applicants and projects that will benefit from and contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of the group of Fellows and the work of the FCHI.  Successful applicants for the two-year Fellowship will be expected to present a completed project that, at the end of the Fellowship, could be sent to a press for consideration.

Deadline: Jan 19, 2023



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