Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Teaching Resources

Hello all--

I keep starting messages to friends and family, to the students in the classes I'm teaching, that I'm struggling. Struggling to process the election. Struggling to grapple with my privileges. Struggling to take care of myself and others. Struggling to see and appreciate moments of grace and kindness. Struggling to breathe.

So please know that I'm grateful for all of your energy and your continued work to make space for vulnerable, precarious people (and other beings) whose existence a Trump presidency would further damage.

I know that it's the nearing the end of the semester and that next week's holiday interrupts our class meeting schedule, but, nonetheless, I wanted to share a living document with you. I compiled a few resources that might be useful in your teaching-- in the classroom and in other spaces where you might have the chance to to be an educator.

It's a Google Document, and I invite you all to contribute additional resources to it. If it starts becoming big and overwhelming we might consider reorganizing it into topics or themes, but for now please feel welcome to add to and strengthen our toolkit for challenging hatred and bigotry.

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